Conférence internationale des contrôles d'assurance des Etats africains (CICA)

International Conference of African States on Insurance Supervision

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1962-07-27 Paris France


27 Jul 1962, Paris (France), as International Conference of African, French and Malagasy States on Insurance Supervision, on signature of Convention de coopération en matière de contrôle des entreprises et opérations d'assurance by representatives of the governments of Cameroon, Central African Republic, Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Dahomey (currently Benin), France, Gabon, Malagasy Republic (currently Madagascar), Mauritania, Niger, Senegal and Upper Volta (currently Burkina Faso). Following the withdrawal of France, a second Convention was signed 27 Nov 1973. A new T-XT9035 - Convention pour la Promotion et le Développement de L'industrie des Assurances dans les Pays Africains, signed 20 Sep 1990, Paris, set up K-XK0703 - Conseil des ministres des assurances (CMA). CICA was subsequently also referred to in English as International Insurance Inspectorate of African States. Ceased to exist on setting up D-XD4487 - Conférence interafricaine des marchés d'assurances (CIMA), 10 Jul 1992, Yaoundé (Cameroon).


Facilitate the development of insurance operations, and, mindful of the international character of the insurance industry, promote, throughout the territories of the signatory States as a whole, the establishment of an enlarged and satisfactorily balanced market from a technical, economic and financial point of view.


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General Assembly (annual) is responsible for all matters relative to application of the Convention. It designates a President (alphabetical rotation among member States) and appoints Secretary-General and 2 Assistant Secretaries-General who head the permanent Secretariat.


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GOAL 9: Industry, Innovation and InfrastructureGOAL 10: Reduced InequalityGOAL 12: Responsible Consumption and ProductionGOAL 16: Peace and Justice Strong Institutions



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