World Boxing Council (WBC)

Conseil mondial de la boxe (CMB)
Consejo Mundial de Boxeo (CMB)

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1963-02 Mexico City Mexico


Founded at a meeting attended by representatives of Boxing Commissions from 11 countries. An offshoot of C-XC0092 - World Boxing Association (WBA).


Ensure uniform control and supervision of boxing; encourage boxing as sport and public appreciation of it; promote clean, fair and equitable competition; promote boxing safety; certify and recognize championship bouts and champions; promote competition in boxing; promote health protection and welfare of boxers; mediate for controversy solving.


2024-11-17 | Hamburg, Germany – Annual Convention

59 past events available with paid subscription only.


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World Convention (annual). Board of Governors, including: President; Permanent Vice-President; Honorary Lifetime Vice-President; Senior Vice-President; Executive Vice-President; 4 further Vice-Presidents; Vice-President at large; General Secretary; Executive Secretary; Treasurer; Legal Counsellor; Special Advisers to the President (7); Continental Federations (9). Championship Committees (2); Continental Americas Championships; WBC International Championships. Other World Committees (15): AIBA-WBC Liaison Committee; Anti-Doping Programme; Boxing Personalities; Finance Committee; Human Equality; International Boxer Passport; International Press; Promoter Liaison; Planning Committee; Ratings Committee; Rules and Regulations; WBC Ring Officials Board; WBC Legal Committee; U-XF2450 - World Boxing School; U-XE3190 - WBC World Medical Advisory Board. Sports Technical Adviser. International Ambassador. World Representatives (11) covering: Argentina; Caribbean; Central America; England; Guatemala (Guatemala); Hong Kong; Mid-Atlantic East USA; Pakistan; Panama; USA.


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Annual Budget

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Type I Classification

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Type II Classification

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Subjects *

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* Subject classification is derived from the organization names and aims.
** UN SDGs are linked to the subject classification.

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