European Community
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URL: http://europa.eu/
1958-01-01 Brussels Belgium
Available with paid subscription only.Aims
The Maastricht Treaty replaces Article 2 of the Treaty of Rome by the following: the Community shall have as its task, by establishing a common market and an economic and monetary union to promote throughout the Community a harmonious and balanced development of economic activities, sustainable and non-inflationary growth respecting the environment, a high degree of convergence of economic performance, a high level of employment and social protection, the raising of the standard of living and quality of life and economic and social cohesion and solidarity among member states. The Treaty extends the range of policy areas which may be handled by the European Community rather than by national governments by extending existing EC responsibilities - for example with environment policy - and by introducing new ones - for example in the areas of: education, vocational training and youth; culture; health; trans-European networks. Particular Articles refer to consumer protection and to industry.
11 past events available with paid subscription only.Activities
Available with paid subscription only.Structure
Available with paid subscription only.Finance
Available with paid subscription only.Relations with Inter-Governmental Organizations
Member of: B-XF2527 - World Trade Organization (WTO). Supports: E-XE1884 - European Centre on Geomorphological Hazards. Special links with: D-XD0435 - Council of Europe (CE); B-XB2183 - ILO; C-XC3023 - OECD. Special agreement with: B-XE3386 - UNIDO. State Party to: E-XE2744 - Energy Charter Conference. Closely involved with: D-XD0165 - ASEAN - EU Joint Cooperation Committee (JCC); Committee of Ambassadors ACP-EC and its related ACP-EC Permanent Joint Group on Bananas, H-XE0821 - ACP-EC Customs Cooperation Committee; E-XE4168 - ACP-EU Council of Ministers and its ACP-EC Development Finance Cooperation Committee; F-XE9068 - OACPS-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly (OACPS-EU JPA). Inter-governmental member of: B-XB0971 - FAO; F-XF9809 - Global Information and Early Warning System on Food and Agriculture (GIEWS); F-XF4685 - OSPAR Commission for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic (OSPAR Commission). Close cooperation with: D-XD0766 - EFTA. Memorandum of understanding signed with: D-XD4579 - Caribbean Community (CARICOM), Apr 1987. Cooperation Agreement signed with ASEAN, 1980, covering trade relations, economic cooperation and regional development cooperation. Economic cooperation agreement with: F-XF6292 - Central American Common Market (CACM). In addition, the following intergovernmental organizations quote relationships with the Community:
- E-XE3028 - African Union Scientific Technical Research Commission (AU STRC);
- F-XD0055 - Andean Community;
- F-XF9018 - Andean Parliament;
- F-XF0184 - Bank for International Settlements (BIS);
- D-XD1294 - Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO);
- E-XD0241 - Central Commission for the Navigation of the Rhine (CCNR);
- H-XE6505 - Centre for the Development of Enterprise (CDE);
- E-XE3480 - Center for Information on Migration in Latin America;
- D-XD8477 - Comisión Sudamericana para la Lucha contra la Fiebre Aftosa (COSALFA);
- D-XD4499 - Comité Intergubernamental Coordinador de los Paises de la Cuenca del Plata (CIC);
- E-XE1160 - Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR);
- F-XF9551 - Common Fund for Commodities (CFC);
- C-XC0376 - Commonwealth Secretariat;
- E-XE5349 - Conference of European Statisticians (CES);
- F-XD9557 - Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution;
- E-XE2000 - Co-operation Group to Combat Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking in Drugs (Pompidou Group);
- D-XD0433 - Council of Arab Economic Unity (CAEU);
- E-XE0190 - Eastern Africa Statistical Training Centre (EASTC);
- E-XE3377 - ECOSOC;
- H-XF0197 - European Centre for Heritage Crafts and Professions;
- D-XD4489 - European Patent Office (EPO);
- D-XD0868 - European Space Agency (ESA);
- H-XC1748 - Food Aid Committee (FAC);
- E-XE1235 - Institut de la Francophonie pour le développement durable (IFDD);
- E-XE1493 - Institute for Research, Extension and Training in Agriculture (IRETA);
- F-XF1069 - Inter-American Development Bank (IDB);
- E-XE1083 - Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA);
- F-XF5374 - Inter-State School of Hydraulic and Rural Engineering for Senior Technicians;
- E-XE3867 - Interafrican Bureau for Animal Resources (AU-IBAR);
- B-XB1383 - International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA);
- B-XB1505 - International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO);
- B-XC2404 - International Cocoa Organization (ICCO);
- B-XB1509 - International Coffee Organization (ICO);
- D-XD1559 - International Commission on Civil Status (ICCS);
- D-XD1540 - International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine (ICPR);
- U-XE0275 - International Dairy Council;
- H-XD1197 - International Jute Organization (IJO);
- U-XE9955 - International Meat Council (IMC);
- H-XC9057 - International Natural Rubber Organization (INRO);
- C-XC2302 - International Olive Council (IOC);
- B-XB1112 - International Organization for Migration (IOM);
- C-XC2803 - International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV);
- B-XB2452 - International Seed Testing Association (ISTA);
- C-XC2455 - International Sericultural Commission (ISC);
- B-XB2606 - International Sugar Organization (ISO);
- F-XD0695 - International Transport Forum (ITF);
- B-XB0100 - International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO);
- E-XE3024 - Internationale Kommission zum Schutz der Elbe (IKSE);
- F-XF4542 - Islamic Development Bank (IsDB);
- D-XD2879 - Latin American Integration Association (LAIA);
- F-XF1523 - Maritime Organization of West and Central Africa (MOWCA);
- F-XF1881 - Mediterranean Action Plan (MAP);
- D-XD3007 - North-East Atlantic Fisheries Commission (NEAFC);
- C-XC1537 - Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO);
- E-XE0816 - Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA);
- E-XE7985 - OECD Development Centre;
- B-XE2295 - World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH);
- F-XF6504 - OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID);
- C-XC3038 - Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC);
- H-XE9672 - Pacific Islands Applied Geoscience Commission (SOPAC);
- F-XF9594 - Pacific Islands Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA);
- E-XE4630 - Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat;
- E-XE6330 - PAHO/WHO Health Emergencies Department (PHE);
- U-XE1137 - Preparatory Commission for the International Seabed Authority and for the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (LOS PrepCom);
- E-XE5479 - Regional Marine Pollution Emergency Response Centre for the Mediterranean Sea (REMPEC);
- E-XD0996 - Secretaria Permanente del Tratado General de Integración Económica Centroamericana (SIECA);
- E-XF0407 - Secretariat of the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (UNEP/CMS);
- E-XE8554 - Secretariat of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES Secretariat);
- E-XD1008 - Pacific Tourism Organization (SPTO);
- F-XF2522 - Southern African Development Community (SADC);
- E-XE8148 - Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries (SESRIC);
- U-XF7412 - UNESCO Energy Information Programme (EIP);
- E-XE3016 - UNHCR;
- F-XF3380 - UNICEF;
- E-XE4176 - United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE);
- B-XB3548 - WHO;
- H-XE0968 - WHO Pan African Emergency Training Centre (PTC-Addis);
- E-XE9798 - WHO Regional Office for Europe;
- B-XB0462 - World Customs Organization (WCO).
Relations with Non-Governmental Organizations
The European Commission has not established consultative status for the European Community in the strict sense, but arrangements exist for exchange of information and opinions with appropriate industrial and professional bodies. At the Agricultural Conference of member states of the then EEC, held Jul 1958, Stresa (Italy), the European Commission expressed the desire that the EEC cooperate closely with the different groups and institutions concerned in the formulation of a 'Common Agricultural Policy'. A number of the most representative trade associations thus felt the need to form associations at the level of the then 6 member countries of the EEC, in order to concert their policy on questions raised by the Treaty of Rome, particularly with respect to agriculture. Following the accession of additional countries to the EEC, the national trade organizations of these countries joined the Community associations (66 by 1959). No recent data is available for regional/international organizations in contact with the European Community.
Available with paid subscription only.Type I Classification
Available with paid subscription only.Type II Classification
Available with paid subscription only.Subjects *
- Social Activity → Employment
- Commerce → Money
- Nation State → Intergovernmental Communities
- Economics → Economic
UN Sustainable Development Goals **
** UN SDGs are linked to the subject classification.
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