Global civil society activity in Giens, France

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Meetings Statistics

From UIA's International Meetings Statistics Report

20 years

Giens is ranked #1817 over a 20 year period,
with 6 meetings since 2004.


Giens is ranked #1283 for 2023, with 0 meetings.

Past Events in Giens

2014 Biennial Congress – Association Mézièriste Internationale de Kinésithérapie
2012 International Partnerships in Ice Core Sciences Open Science Conference – International Geosphere-Biosphere ProgrammePast Global ChangesScientific Committee on Antarctic ResearchInternational Association of Cryospheric Sciences
2011 Annual international working conference – International Forum for Social InnovationInternational Federation for Information Processing
2008 Joint European Stable Isotope User Meeting – Joint European Stable Isotope Users group Meeting
2004 European research conference on neuroendocrine-immune interactions – European Science Foundation
2004 European research conference on cluster systems and nanotubes – European Science Foundation
2003 European research conference on the mechanisms and applications in biotechnology – European Science Foundation
2003 European research conference on interfaces and colloidal systems – European Science Foundation
2003 Joint workshop on climate-chemistry interactions – World Climate Research ProgrammeInternational Global Atmospheric Chemistry Project
2002 European research conference on discrete Painlevé equations and the solvability of difference equations – European Science Foundation
2002 European workshop on smart strctures in engineering and technology
2001 European research conference on adhesion receptor signaling and regulation of gene expression – European Science Foundation
2001 Conference on the role of microfilaments in cell polarity – European Molecular Biology Organization
2001 European research conference on the science of aphasia – European Science Foundation
2001 European research conference on electronic structure of solids and surfaces – European Science Foundation
2000 European research conference on frontiers of cellular microbiology and cell biology – European Science FoundationEuropean Commission
2000 Conference – International Association for Hydromagnetic Phenomena and Applications
2000 International conference on magnetohydrodynamic at the dawn of the 3rd millennium
2000 European research conference on European societies or European society – European Science FoundationEuropean Commission
2000 Annual Conference – European Consortium for Sociological Research
1999 European research conference on polar regions and quaternary climate – European Science FoundationEuropean Commission
1998 European research conference on exocytosis – European Science Foundation
1998 International Conference on the Fundamentals of Adsorption (FOA) – International Adsorption Society
1997 European research conference on molecular biology of RNA – European Science Foundation
1997 European research conference on three-dimensional sensory and motor space – European Science Foundation

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