Global civil society activity in Córdoba, Spain

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Meetings Statistics

From UIA's International Meetings Statistics Report

20 years

Córdoba is ranked #556 over a 20 year period,
with 49 meetings since 2004.


Córdoba is ranked #439 for 2023, with 2 meetings.

Organizations based in Córdoba

Fondo Andaluz de Municipios para la Solidaridad Internacional

Esperantist Law Association Est. 1989

Universidad Islamica Internacional Averroes de Al-Andalus Est. 1995

Asociación por la Paz y el Desarrollo Est. 1991

Fundación Europea para la Innovación y Desarrollo de la Tecnología

View More profiles (5 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations

Future Events in Córdoba

2024 World CongressOrganization of World Heritage Cities

View More Future Events (1 total) in The International Congress Calendar

Past Events in Córdoba

2024 Biennal Symposium – European Society of Nematologists
2023 CSEAR Spain Conference – Centre for Social and Environmental Accounting Research
2023 Annual Conference and General Asssembly – Marie Curie Alumni Association
2022 Colloquium – Consorcio Latinoamericano de Libertad Religiosa
2022 Conference – International Consortium for Law and Religion Studies
2022 International Conference on Religion & Spirituality in Society – Religion in Society Research Network
2021 General Assembly – Friends of the Countryside
2021 Scientific session – World Medical Association
2021 Conference – European Association for Sociology of Sport
2021 International Conference on Religion & Spirituality in Society – Religion in Society Research Network
2021 Conference – International Business Information Management Association
2020 European Symposium on Aerobiology – European Aerobiology Society
2020 General Assembly – World Medical Association
2020 Conference – International Consortium for Law and Religion Studies
2020 European Symposium on Aerobiology – European Aerobiology Society
2018 Congreso Internacional de Estudios del Desarrollo – Red Española de Estudios del Desarrollo
2018 Annual Conference – European Society of Domestic Animal Reproduction
2017 Triennial Congress – Mediterranean Phytopathological Union
2017 Congress – Fédération européenne des fabricants d'aliments composés pour animaux
2016 Working Group on Integrated Protection in Oak Forest Meeting – International Organisation for Biological Control
2015 Annual Meeting – European Association for Biblical Studies
2015 Members Forum – European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education
2014 Symposium – European Confederation of Watercolour Societies
2013 Sociology and Sport in Face of New Challenges – European Association for Sociology of Sport
2013 Conference – Group of European Municipalities with Nuclear Facilities

View More Past Events (107 total) in The International Congress Calendar

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