Global civil society activity in Belém, Brazil

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Meetings Statistics

From UIA's International Meetings Statistics Report

20 years

Belém is ranked #913 over a 20 year period,
with 21 meetings since 2004.


Belém is ranked #1283 for 2023, with 0 meetings.

Organizations based in Belém

Instituto de Pesquisa Ambiental da Amazônia Est. 1995

Sistema de Informação da Amazônia Est. 1984

View More profiles (2 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations

Future Events in Belém

2024 cONFEEENEOpen Source Geospatial Foundation

2024 SymposiumInternational Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing

View More Future Events (2 total) in The International Congress Calendar

Past Events in Belém

2024 International Barcode of Life Conference – International Barcode of Life
2022 Congress – Federation of Latin American and Caribbean Neurosciences
2020 Congress – Federation of Latin American and Caribbean Neurosciences
2018 Conference – International Committee for the Study of Bauxite, Alumina and Aluminium
2018 Congress – International Society of Ethnobiology
2016 Meeting – International Hydrographic OrganizationMeso-American-Caribbean Sea Hydrographic Commission
2016 Euro-American Congress of Human Motricity / Congreso Euroamericano de Motricidad Humana – International Human Motricity Network
2015 COMLAT : Quadrennial Latin American and Caribbbean Congress – International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics
2014 Biennial Conference – International Society for Human Ethology
2012 Symposium – International Committee for the Study of Bauxite, Alumina and Aluminium
2012 International wood drying conference – International Union of Forest Research Organizations
2011 Congress – Ibero-American Association of Roman Law
2010 Triennial world congress – International Drama/Theatre and Education Association
2009 CONFINTEA : international conference on adult education – UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning
2009 World Social Forum – World Social Forum
2009 World Forum – World Forum on Science and Democracy
2009 Conference – Ecosocialist International Network
2009 Forum – Foro de Autoridades Locales por la Inclusión Social y la Democracia Participativa
2009 World Forum Science and Democracy – World Federation of Scientific Workers
2009 Annual Session – International Pepper Community
2007 Meeting – World Social Forum
2007 Biennial Symposium – International Colour Vision Society
2003 International Congress – International Bioacoustics Society
2003 Latin American congress – International Association of Sedimentologists
2003 General Assembly – International Federation of Maritime Associations and Navy Leagues

View More Past Events (61 total) in The International Congress Calendar

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