title:IUS Field Training School and Research Seminar "Urban Research: Theory and Methods"

View full details at: https://www.internationalurbansymposium.com/events/2023-field-training-s... This 7-day Field Training School is aimed at postgraduate students and postdoctoral scholars who are interested in research in urban settings and in empirically-grounded analysis. The primary aim is to train students in the ‘art’ of conducting ethnographic fieldwork and develop the link between ethnographically-based analysis and social theory.

title:International Urban Symposium-IUS: Conference "Forms of Inequality and the Legitimacy of Governance"

International Urban Symposium-IUS Conference on "Forms of Inequality and the Legitimacy of Governance", Italy, 28-31 July 2023. This 4-day International Conference is organized by the International Urban Symposium-IUS. Full details are availbale at: https://www.internationalurbansymposium.com/events/2023-2/.

title:the fifth congress of Asian -African will be held on March -10.2024

on March 2024 ; the on-line meeting will be held for Asian -African society of Mycobacteriology . The participant will be from 120 countries all over the world .They will submit their abstract and the Editorial board will select the best presenter . The congress will be held from 8 in the morning till 6 in the evening and start at 10 to 14 March 2024 .

title:Youth Celebrate Successful Youth-Driven UN Vote calling for International Court of Justice Opinion on Climate and Human Rights

The United Nations General Assembly has voted to support the Government of Vanuatu’s proposal for an advisory opinion from the International Court of Justice on the obligations of States on climate change. More than 130 countries came together to co-sponsor the initiative in a show of global solidarity on climate.

title:new CIVICUS Report "People Power Under Attack"

Since 2017 the CIVICUS Monitor has assessed the state of civic freedoms globally. Country civic space ratings and data on top violations to the freedoms of association, peaceful assembly and expression are used on a regular basis by policymakers, journalists, activists, civil society organisations and other stakeholders. People Power Under Attack is the research platform's annual report which provides country ratings for 197 countries and territories, as well as analysis on the threats and trends facing civil society at the regional and global level.


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