title:Fraud Item: fraud / escroc / estafa: Internationalpeace.ANPI, precioustara49,

From: Precious
Date sent: May 2023

Good Morning,

The American Network for Peace International invites you to the Global Conference on Peace and Dialogue 2023: Theme: Peace, Security,
Reconciliation and Dialogue in Society from the 27th- 30th of JUNE 2023 in West Fargo ND, NORTH DAKOTA the United States of America.

title:Fraud Item: fraud / escroc / estafa: Natalie Nelson, natalienelson563, ibizzcu, Independent Business Consultants Union, BetterFund Insurance Company, betterfundico, betterfundic, Gerald Walker

Dear Delegates,

We thank you for your interest in participating in the forthcoming World Forum on Entrepreneurship and Business Management, WFEBM 2023, which will be held in Miami, Florida, U.S.A. from Wednesday, June 21st to Saturday, June 24th, 2023. We are working day and night to make sure the conference is a success and to ensure that registered delegates receive their entitled traveling documents in record time.

We are happy to inform you that we have been notified that your group visa authorization letters have been approved by the United States Immigration Bureau.

title:Fraud Item: fraud / escroc / estafa: Ellie Phillips, drelliephillip90

From: "Dr. Ellie Phillips"
Date sent: May 2023

Dear Colleague.

On behalf of the organizing committee it's my great pleasure to invite you to the International Conference on Drug Abuse, Rehabilitation, Human Health and Diseases which will be held on 21st to 25th August 2023 in Houston, Texas United States.

title:Asia Pacific Business Events Youth Challenge 2023

Goyang Special City, co-hosting with ICCA and Korea MICE association, is delighted to organize the second edition of Aisa Pacific Business Events Youth Challenge.
This competition aims to foster young professionals in the business events industry and provisde an exclusive opportunity for participants to take centre stage in showcasing innovatitve and creative ideas.

1) Who should participate?
- University / Graduate students and young professionals in the business events industry under the age of 30 (in the AP reigion only)

title:European Night Museums 2023 at UNESCO: Africa and electronic music in the spotlight

For the 18th European Night of Museums on Saturday 13 May 2023, UNESCO Headquarters in Paris (France) will open its doors from 6:00 pm to midnight. An occasion to discover its rich architectural and artistic heritage, as well as a series of cultural activities dedicated to Africa. An artistic performance mixing electronic music and lighting will take place in the second half of the evening, with Michael Canitrot as guest of honor. The event is free and no reservation is required. Full program of activities and details are available on UNESCO's website:

title:ISQua’s 39th International Conference to be held in Seoul, South Korea

Renowned as a global organisation committed to enhancing healthcare quality and safety, International Society for Quality in Health Care (ISQua) brings together a diverse community of members and partners from around the world. As part of its ongoing efforts to advance its mission, ISQua’s 39th International Conference will be held in the vibrant city of Seoul, South Korea from August 27th to 30th, 2023.


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