title:Why the World Is Choosing Busan for Its MICE Events

Busan is a global MICE city whose reputation is growing stronger by the day. With the end of the COVID pandemic in sight, the global MICE industry is resuming business as usual. In the first half of this year alone, the Busan Exhibition and Convention Center (BEXCO) held over 100 more events than it did all of last year. MICE experts highlight the geographical advantages of the coastal city of Busan and its world-class MICE infrastructure as some of the city’s strengths as a top MICE destination.

title:ECDN President Dr. Korczak meets Minister Krajniak (Slovakia)

Dieter Korczak has been coordinating an EU co-financed project in 13 EU Member States since July this year. This project is about setting up debt counselling centres in the countries Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Hungary and Cyprus. On the occasion of the opening of four new debt counselling centres in Slovakia, he took part in a press conference of the Slovakian Minister of Labour and Social Affairs in Bratislava. He presented the European PEPPI project there.

title:Fraud Item: fraud / escroc / estafa: GBVCRISJAP, info.nyc, Cynthia Graham

Date: Sun, Oct 9, 2022
Subject: 2022 (GBVCRISJAP) Conference Invitation

Dear Colleague,

It is a great pleasure to invite you to the forthcoming International conference on gender based violence, children's rights,social justice and poverty which will be held from DECEMBER 17th to 21st 2022 in New York, United States of America. This conference is one of the most highly acclaimed meetings in Child's Rights & gender based violence.

title:Global 5G Connections Are Doubling Every Year

Global 5G Connections Reach 813 Million in Q2 2022; Up 112% from Q2 2021
Expected to Reach 5.9 Billion by End of 2027, Adding 1 Billion a Year from 2023 to 2027
North America 5G Connections Grew 21% Quarterly to Reach 99 Million at End of Q2 2022

BELLEVUE, Wash. –September 21, 2022 –The global uptake of wireless 5G networks is now doubling every year to reach 813 million connections by the end of the second quarter of 2022. According to data from Omdia and 5G Americas, forecast global 5G connections will reach 1.1 billion by the end of this year.

title:Finnish Congress Heroes: EURO 2022 in Espoo was a success

EURO 2022 in Espoo exceeded all expectations and received great feedback.

Antti Punkka, Chair of the Organising Committee, shares his experiences and insights about organizing the EURO 2022 conference, Espoo as a congress destination and much more.

"We had the honour of hosting the EURO 2022 – 32nd European Conference on Operational Research at the new Aalto University Campus in Espoo in June 2022. In addition to the scientific programme, the four-day event included all kinds of casual mingling and networking.

title:Les femmes qui dérangent les 13 et 14 octobre 2022

Au cours de l'histoire, les femmes ont souvent été qualifiées de "dérangeantes" lorsqu'elles ne correspondaient pas aux normes d'apparence, de comportement, de croyance ou de situation définies par la société. De la sorcière du Moyen-Âge à la militante féministe, en passant par les suffragettes, la femme n'est plus considérée comme "respectable" dès lors qu'elle remet en cause l'ordre établi et met en danger le patriarcat. Tantôt martyres, tantôt figures héroïques, ces femmes, telle que l'histoire officielle les raconte, sont bien loin des femmes "ordinaires".


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