Thank you for participating in UIA’s 2022 Survey. This survey contains 19 questions and should take less than 10 minutes to complete. 1. Does your organization hold one or more major international meetings? * Yes – If YES, please answer questions 2 to 19 No – If NO, we thank you for your interest, but as you do not organize international meetings, there is no need for you to continue this survey. If NO, can you please check that your association's description in the Yearbook is up to date? UIA is always happy to keep in touch with you and to receive news on your association's activities. E-mail: 2. How many delegates (excluding accompanying persons and staff) usually (pre-pandemic) attend your major international meeting? * 50 or fewer 51 to 100 101 to 250 251 to 500 501 to 1,000 1,001 to 2,500 2,501 to 5,000 5,001 to 7,000 7,001 or more I don't know Please select one answer 3. In 2021-2022, will you or have you * Cancelled a major event (no replacement date) Postponed / rescheduled a major event Changed the format from in-person to hybrid Changed the format from in-person to virtual / online Had to change the destination as part of rescheduling Select all answers that apply 4. If you cancelled one or more in-person conferences/meetings/events between 1 January 2021 and Nov 2022, what is the total number of meetings you cancelled? * No meeting cancelled 5 or fewer 6 to 10 meetings More than 10 meetings I don’t know Select one answer 5. Based on your knowledge today, what is the earliest date you anticipate your association will resume in-person programs? * Within 2022 From 2023 onwards Not before 2024 I don’t know Select one answer 6. Looking forward: Do you expect online / hybrid aspects to remain part of your operations for major events (not just board or committee meetings) in the long term? * Yes No I don't know Select one answer 7. Do you expect to alter (or have you already altered) your statutes / by-laws / corporate documents in order to adjust for your association’s meeting schedule (e.g. required location rotation) or to allow association business to take place remotely? * No Yes Not applicable (our statutes don’t govern meeting location choice) I don't know Select one answer 8. Are technology challenges a problem? * Yes, we have difficulty with finding the right platform/service for our online/hybrid meetings Yes, our members / attendees have difficulty with internet speed / quality Yes, we have difficulty with telephone / VOIP quality Yes, we have difficulty with hardware requirements No, we have not found many problems with technology I don’t know Select all answers that apply 9. Has the impact of the pandemic situation increased your use of social media? * We do not use social media No, about the same as before Yes, we have used social media for the first time Yes, increased use of platforms we were already on Yes, increased use of platforms we were already on AND use of platforms new to us I don't know Select one answer 10. Have you surveyed your members / sector on the impact of the pandemic? * No, not yet Yes, once Yes, periodically I don’t know Select one answer 11. What do you believe will be the overall revenue impact of the pandemic on your events-related business in 2022? * Decline greater than 75% Decline 51-75% Decline 25-50% Decline under 25% No change Increase I don’t know Select one answer 12. How has the pandemic affected your association? * Reduced membership (resignations or less renewals than expected) Reduced revenues / income from established channels Staff dismissed or reduced hours Decline in sponsorship Reduced donations / financial contributions I don’t know Other... 12. How has the pandemic affected your association? Other... Select all answers that apply 13. Do you think your organization will be able to survive the social and economic impacts of the pandemic? * Yes No Depends on how long it lasts I don't know Select one answer Looking into the future of your organization’s events… 14. Have you consulted a (city, regional, or national) Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB) during the last 5 years? * No, we are not familiar with the free services offered by a CVB We know what free services a CVB offers, but we have never consulted one We have consulted a CVB in the last 5 years We are likely to consult a CVB in the near future Yes, we have received assistance from a CVB in preparing a budget for our meeting(s) Yes, we have received assistance from a CVB in preparing a bid proposal for our meeting(s) Yes, we have received assistance from a CVB in finding suppliers or a venue for our meeting(s) Yes, we have received financial assistance from a CVB for our meeting(s) Yes, we have received technical support from a CVB for virtual / hybrid meetings I don't know Other... 14. Have you consulted a (city, regional, or national) Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB) during the last 5 years? Other... Select all answers that apply 15. What support for free services would you expect from a (city, regional, or national) Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB)? * Technical support for virtual / hybrid meetings Financial aid Help in obtaining a subsidy from the host city Help in finding the right venue Planning / organization of site inspections Finding accommodation (giving guidance/advice with hotel selection) Attracting participants Suggesting legacy options I don’t know Other... 15. What support for free services would you expect from a (city, regional, or national) Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB)? Other... Select all answers that apply 16. What 3 factors / aspects do you now consider important / critical for holding an event in a conference centre or other meeting venue? * List 3 factors/aspects 17. What 3 factors do you now consider critical for international or national travel to a meeting? * List 3 factors/aspects 18. Crises and disruption can also be opportunities for growth and positive change, what positive developments have occurred in your association or meeting activities? 19. Do you have additional comments on international association meetings to share? Please provide the name or identifier (UIA ID) of your association * Leave this field blank