This information is part of the Open Calendar, a free service of UIA's subscription-based International Congress Calendar Online (ICCO). It includes only current and future international meetings organized by non-profit organizations working worldwide in all fields of activity. The number of meetings, information contained in their profiles, and search functionality of this free service are limited.

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The UIA is a leading provider of information about international non-profit organizations. The aim of the Open Calendar is to promote the activities of international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and intergovernmental organizations (IGOs).

Future International Meetings & Congresses

Event Organization Location Start Date End Date

International Conference on The Constructed Environment

The Constructed Environment Research Network (The Constructed Environment) Berlin, Germany 2025/04/10 2025/04/11

International Symposium on Controversies in Psychiatry

International Symposium on Controversies in Psychiatry Barcelona, Spain 2025/04/10 2025/04/11

Annual Conference

European University Association (EUA) Riga, Latvia 2025/04/10 2025/04/11


Asia Pacific Pediatric Cardiac Society (APPCS) Lahore, Pakistan 2025/04/10 2025/04/13

Scientific Meeting

International Primary Care Respiratory Group (IPCRG) Brasov, Romania 2025/04/10 2025/04/12

International Conference on Gender Research (ICGR)

International Conference on Gender Research (ICGR) Porto, Portugal 2025/04/10 2025/04/11


European Federation of the Contact Lens and IOL Industries (EFCLIN) Lillestrøm, Norway 2025/04/10 2025/04/12

Perinatal Science International Meeting

European Association of Perinatal Medicine (EAPM) Isola San Servolo, Italy 2025/04/10 2025/04/12

World Congress on Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis and Musculoskeletal Diseases

International Osteoporosis Foundation / European Society for Clinical and Economic Aspects of Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis and Musculoskeletal Diseases / Rome, Italy 2025/04/10 2025/04/13

European Association Summit (EAS)

European Society of Association Executives (ESAE) Brussels, Belgium 2025/04/10 2025/04/10

Biennial Conference

International Association of Women Judges (IAWJ) Cape Town, South Africa 2025/04/10 2025/04/12

Annual Conference

International Society for the Advancement of Spine Surgery (ISASS) Miami Beach FL, USA 2025/04/10 2025/04/12

Annual Meeting

Mediterranean Society of Pelvic Floor Disorders (MSPFD) Cairo, Egypt 2025/04/10 2025/04/12

International Conference on Materials Design and Applications (ICMDA)

International Conference on Materials Design and Applications (ICMDA) Kyoto, Japan 2025/04/11 2025/04/14

Triennial Congress

International Association of Lyceum Clubs (IALC) Tauranga, New Zealand 2025/04/11 2025/04/13

European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases

European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID) Vienna, Austria 2025/04/11 2025/04/15

Annual General Meeting

Association Montessori Internationale (AMI) Delft, Netherlands 2025/04/11 2025/04/13


Eurasia Business and Economics Society (EBES) Rome, Italy 2025/04/11 2025/04/13

Annual Conference

Sarcoma Patient Advocacy Global Network (SPAGN) Washington DC, USA 2025/04/11 2025/04/13

Global Dialogue

Caux Round Table, The (CRT) Washington DC, USA 2025/04/11 2025/04/13

IMCAS Americas Congress

International Master Course on Aging Skin (IMCAS) Sao Paulo, Brazil 2025/04/11 2025/04/13

Regional Congress

World Psychiatric Association (WPA) Alexandria, Egypt 2025/04/11 2025/04/14

E4E: Engineering the Future Engineer

Association of European Civil Engineering Faculties (AECEF) Prague, Czechia 2025/04/11 2025/04/11


Global Citizenship Alliance (GCA) Salzburg, Austria 2025/04/13 2025/04/20

European Conference on Interventional Oncology (ECIO)

Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiological Society of Europe (CIRSE) Rotterdam, Netherlands 2025/04/13 2025/04/16

FOM : Focus on Microscopy International Conference

Focus on Microscopy (FOM) Taipei, Taiwan 2025/04/13 2025/04/16

Annual Meeting

Pacific Association of Pediatric Surgeons (PAPS) Melbourne VIC, Australia 2025/04/13 2025/04/17

European Congress of Trauma and Emergency Surgery (ECTES)

European Society for Trauma and Emergency Surgery (ESTES) Aachen, Germany 2025/04/13 2025/04/15

Annual General Meeting

European Sealing Association (ESA) Ljubljana, Slovenia 2025/04/14 2025/04/16

International Conference on Integrated Care (ICIC)

International Foundation for Integrated Care (IFIC) Lisbon, Portugal 2025/04/14 2025/04/16

ISCB-Africa ASBCB Conference

International Society for Computational Biology / African Society for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology / Cape Town, South Africa 2025/04/14 2025/04/17

International Wood Machining Seminar (IWMS)

International Wood Machining Seminar (IWMS) Florence, Italy 2025/04/14 2025/04/15

International Conference

International Christian Dance Fellowship (ICDF) Christchurch, New Zealand 2025/04/14 2025/04/20

European Conference of Electoral Management Bodies

European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission) Vilnius, Lithuania 2025/04/15 2025/04/16

International Conference on Urban Affairs

Urban Affairs Association (UAA) Vancouver BC, Canada 2025/04/15 2025/04/19


African Association of Nephrology (AFRAN) Tunis, Tunisia 2025/04/15 2025/04/18

Plenary Meeting

Emergency Telecommunications Cluster (ETC) Geneva, Switzerland 2025/04/15 2025/04/16

Clinical Research in Central and Eastern Europe

Cancer Drug Development Forum (CDDF) Krakow, Poland 2025/04/15 2025/04/16

Annual Meeting

American Society of International Law (ASIL) Washington DC, USA 2025/04/16 2025/04/18

Annual Meeting

International Hobbes Association (IHA) San Francisco CA, USA 2025/04/16 2025/04/18

International Conference of Tissue-Engineering Heart Valves (ICTEHV)

International Conference of Tissue-Engineering Heart Valves (ICTEHV) Cairo, Egypt 2025/04/16 2025/04/19

MENA Congress for Rare Diseases

MENA Organization for Rare Diseases Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates 2025/04/17 2025/04/20

Structural Engineers World Congress (SEWC)

Structural Engineers World Congress (SEWC) Shanghai, China 2025/04/17 2025/04/18

Biennial Congress

Society of Neuroscientists of Africa (SONA) Marrakech, Morocco 2025/04/17 2025/04/20

Annual Congress

Asian Pacific Society of Cardiology (APSC) Busan, Korea Rep 2025/04/18 2025/04/19

International Conference (IcAUMS)

Asian Union of Magnetics Societies (AUMS) Okinawa, Japan 2025/04/21 2025/04/24

Organic Battery Days

Organic Battery Days (OBD) Adelaide SA, Australia 2025/04/22 2025/04/24

International Conference on Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures

International Association on Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures (IA-FramCoS) Vienna, Austria 2025/04/22 2025/04/25

LUCI Cities and Lighting Summit

Lighting Urban Community International (LUCI) London, UK 2025/04/23 2025/04/25

Spring Agora

Association des états généraux des étudiants de l'Europe (AEGEE-Europe) Bilbao, Spain 2025/04/23 2025/04/27


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