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The sponsor of C.L.C.R.E 2015 H.R.W is an international non-governmental organization concerned with all aspects of children’s rights in education & child labour. It associates persons without distinction of race, nationality or political beliefs, who aim to improve education and care for children from birth to the age of eight.

one of the oldest and largest international, non-governmental organization devoted to all aspects of children’s rights in education & to eliminate child labour.

with a long and proud history of promoting the health, wellbeing, rights and education for the world's children from birth to age 8.

With members and national committees in 72 countries (24 in Europe) to defends and promotes the rights of the child to education and care worldwide and supports activities which improve accessibility to high quality children’s rights in education and to eliminate child labour.

All work is done on a voluntary basis, including that of the holders of office. we offer three official languages: English, French and Spanish.

H.R.W is with Consultative Status at the United Nations and UNESCO and strong relationships with other world organizations.H.R.W voice is formed by many voices: academia, international and world organizations, pedagogues and childhood teachers, parents, local societies.The region of Europe has a strong contribution to H.R.W.

H.R.W was founded in (AMERICA 1978) and have National Committees in 24 countries throughout Europe.


The sponsor of C.L.C.R.E 2015 H.R.W is an international non-governmental organization concerned with all aspects of children’s rights in education & child labour. It associates persons without distinction of race, nationality or political beliefs, who aim to improve education and care for children from birth to the age of eight.

one of the oldest and largest international, non-governmental organization devoted to all aspects of children’s rights in education & to eliminate child labour.

with a long and proud history of promoting the health, wellbeing, rights and education for the world's children from birth to age 8.

With members and national committees in 72 countries (24 in Europe) to defends and promotes the rights of the child to education and care worldwide and supports activities which improve accessibility to high quality children’s rights in education and to eliminate child labour.

All work is done on a voluntary basis, including that of the holders of office. we offer three official languages: English, French and Spanish.

H.R.W is with Consultative Status at the United Nations and UNESCO and strong relationships with other world organizations.H.R.W voice is formed by many voices: academia, international and world organizations, pedagogues and childhood teachers, parents, local societies.The region of Europe has a strong contribution to H.R.W.

H.R.W was founded in (AMERICA 1978) and have National Committees in 24 countries throughout Europe.

laborers below the age of 14 years age are called child labour.India has the largest number of child labour in the world.according to the census figures of 1991,India has 11.29 million child labourers,which constitute 1.34 per cent of the total population of our country.most of the child laborers are engaged in agriculture and allied subject like livestock,foresting and the urban areas,children work in dhabas,eateries helpers or cleaners in trucks and as domestic servants etc.they have long working hours,bad and unhygienic conditions and fewer wages.the main reason behind child labour is poverty.children born in poor families are forced to work not only for their own survival but also for their family.awareness of the people and government also compels poor parents to make their children employed as laborers in agricultural forms,factories,brick kilns and as domestic servants.let us all take a step to ban this evil.

The 2015 World Conference on child labour & Children's Rights in Education (C.L.C.R.E 2015) will be a great event where! 841 childhood professionals from 81 nations from Afghanistan to Argentina, from Myranmar to Montenegro, from China to Colombia and Africa . Delegates had a wide range of experiences.

The Annual International Conference on child labour & Children's Rights in Education (C.L.C.R.E 2015) will be one of the major events for the professionals in this field.

This conference is a follow-up to the successful first ever World Conference on child labour & Children's Rights in Education (C.L.C.R.E 2015) organized from 17 to 27 November 2015 in United States and United Arab Emirates UAE.

Were provoked to take action through plenary presentations on world issues, relating to, child rights, post-2015 Millennium Development Goals
Were inspired by program presentations about great and important work that is being done now.

The goal of this interdisciplinary conference is to present and discuss the state-of-the-art information on various aspects of Child rights on Education. The conference will be of interest to those who are doing research with young people and to those working within child and adolescent, social work and youth justice systems.

The major purpose of the conference is to advance respect and support for children’s rights and the full development of children through education.The conference will provided a structured exchange among international and national experts on theory, research, policy and practices relating children’s rights to education. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, particularly education.children with disabilities, provided the fundamental framework for the exchange.Psychology Association and the Office for the Study of the Psychological Rights of the Child (School of Education of Indiana University-Purdue University ,Indianapolis) Approximately 2000 participants including individuals from forty-nine countries spanning all major regions of the world and representing ministries of education, professional educators, educational psychologists, child advocates.

Genuine interest in and plans for advancing children’s rights to, in and through education were in evidence in the comments and work of participants. It is expected that the national leaders who will attend the conference will apply their ideas, models and strategies relevant to the educational conditions and needs in their countries. Because the conference will offered a good base for guiding progress in children’s rights in education and made it clear that much more needs to be deliberate and accomplished, there exists a strong rationale for expecting this conference as one of the first in a continuing series. Initial steps in planning for a second International Conference on Children’s Rights in Education after this are presently underway.

International standards, beginning with those in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and continuing with subsequent human rights treaties, and the activities of international bodies combine to establish the right to education as a universal norm. Nearly all of the countries in the world have pledged to uphold the child’s right to education,At the World Summit for Children in 1990, Heads of State from approximately eighty countries signed the World Summit Declaration, which emphasizes the child’s right to education. Education has come to be recognized as the key economic resource and determinant for social and economic inequalities between individuals and nations (Lena Saleh). The right to education has achieved universal support through legal instruments. Now it requires fulfillment through international, national and local practices.

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