Fraudulent message
Date sent: 25 Apr 2021
Subject: International conference meeting 2021
Dear Colleague...
The Association for Health Alternatives (AHA) takes the pleasure to invite you to the highly anticipated International Congress on AIDS, Covid- 19, Health, Wellness, & Society to be held on 24th -27th August, 2021, Houston Texas, USA.
The ICOACHWS 2021 will be commenced by creating an amalgamated global platform where enthusiastic researches, medical practitioner, policy makers, stakeholders, intellectual scholars, and many more getting together for a common purpose of identifying the challenges and issues on AIDS, Covid- 19, Health, Wellness, & Society to solve the particular issues by their combined research findings.
The organizing committee and sponsors are responsible for the participants' visa processing for those who require a visa to the United States. Free round-trip air tickets for participants will be provided by the organization, the hotel accommodation booking cost will be your own responsibility.
For more information and any further clarification concerning this event, do not hesitate to contact us back for more information.
Thanks for your kind cooperation.
AHA Office.