Fraud Monitor

Fraud Item: fraud / escroc / estafa: sec_michellecole101, alice smith, California Human Right and Health,

Fraudulent message

From: Alice Smith
Date sent: Thu, 7 Jun 2018

Dear Friend,

I'd like to invite you to an international conference sponsored by California Human Right and Health Organization coming up in July 23rd - 26th, 2018. at the Disneyland Convention Center California, U.S.A. and from July 30th - August 2nd, 2018. at Senegal Dakar. Visas and air tickets will be assisted by the organization.

For registration info contact the secretariat @ (

Mrs. Alice,
(Ph.D) Senior Activities Coordinator


The UIA is a self-funded research institute. Your donation helps us continue our work.
Any amount is appreciated!

About the Fraud Monitor

An increasing number of email scams are using NGOs, International NGOs, development agencies, meetings, international conferences etc as the hook to defraud or cheat unsuspecting recipients. Always use caution when responding to or acting on unsolicited bulk email or paper mail.

Related Resource

Directory Scams Fraud Alert

À Propos du Fraud Monitor

De plus en plus d'escrocs agissant par courriel utilisent des organisations non gouvernementales et des organisations non gouvernementales internationales, agences de développement, réunions, conférences internationales…comme mobile pour abuser de la confiance de personnes. Soyez prudents lorsque vous répondez à des courriels ou lettres non sollicitées.