Fraudulent message
From: United Nations
Sent: Saturday, 23 December 2017
Subject: Invitation: UN SDGs Conference 23-26 January 2018
Dear Invitee, Nonprofit/NGO Colleague,
UN General Assembly is convening a four-day Global Summit of Economists colleagues or Institutes , organizations, Educationists, Administrators, Manufacturers, International Finance, Corporate Finance, Researchers, Non-Governmental Organizations, Religious Leaders, Community Organizations,lawyer and law firm,individuals from the public and Private Sector from 23-26, January 2018 in London (UK) to assess the worst global economic down turn since the Great Depression. The aim is to identify emergency and long-term responses to mitigate the impact of the crisis, especially on vulnerable populations, and initiate a needed dialogue on the transformation of the international financial architecture, taking into account the needs and concerns of all countries of the world.
The United Nations summit coming up in January was mandated at the Follow-up International Conference on Financing for held in June 2009 in New-York. Member States requested the General Assembly to organize the meeting "at the highest level".
Registration to this Summit is absolutely "free" and strictly for invited individuals and organizations only. As an invitee, you have received a registration code UN/SDGS/XXXX/2018-UK with the invitation letter, which grants you access to the registration form.
United Nations General Assembly will sponsor free all-round flight tickets for all confirm participant,that paid for their hotel accommodation and feeding cost. Invited participants will only be responsible for their hotel accommodation and feeding cost at the offical Hotel. The International Convention & Exhibition Centre (ICEC) London, United Kingdom is the venue of this summit, while the Queen Gate Hotel London has been officially designated to accommodate all participant for this unique and prestigious global financial and economic crisis summit. If you require an entry visa to London (UK) to attend this meeting, United Nations General Assembly UK will help all participant to obtain a visa so easily once, we confirm your registration. Your colleagues or Institutes and organizations are invited to take part in the SDGs Conference in 23-26, January 2018 in London (UK).
Date: 23-26, January 2018.
Venue: International Convention & Exhibition Centre (ICEC) London, United Kingdom.
Conference Theme: Impact and implications of the global financial and economic crisis on sustainable development & climate change proposals for an
integrated global response to the crisis.
For further details about registration form,visa,flight ticket and other details, write an acceptance letter to be part of this event. Send us an e-mail for more information :
We look forward to meeting you at the forthcoming Global Financial and Economic Crisis conference.
Feel free to share this information with colleagues or Institutes and organizations.
Ms. Cristina Gallach,
Under-Secretary-General for Communications and Public Information.