Fraudulent message
Date sent: Fri, 15 Jun 2012 20:44:16 +0000
Subject: International congress invitation
Dear Sir / Madam,
It is a great privilege for us to invite you to global Congress meeting against economic crisis, Human Trafficking and forced labor. The theme of this conference is to teach our society how to stop human trafficking, force labor and how we can build a platform of knowledge at an international level to find solutions to Unemployment as it affects our society and globally.
The global Congress meeting against economic crisis, Human Trafficking and forced labor is scheduled to take place from 23rd to 27th July 2012, here in Madrid Spain. The global congress is hosted by the Campaign against Child Labor Coalition and sponsored by other benevolent donors worldwide.
Objectives of the global congress meeting are:
1. To Increase awareness about the many types and ramifications of Human Trafficking.
2. To serve as a resource to the public and advocates by providing valuable information about other initiatives working to address human Trafficking.
3. To provide rehabilitation services to current and potential victims.
4. To encourage policy at local and national levels that will contribute to reducing human trafficking and abuse.
5. To provide insight in the activities in the field of science and policy interface;
6. How we can build a platform of knowledge at an international level to find solutions to Unemployment;
Note that all interested delegates that requires entry visa to attend this meeting will be assisted by the organization, in obtaining the visa in their passport. Free air round trip tickets to attend this meeting will be provided to all participants. The Workshop welcomes paper presentation from any interested participants willing to present papers during the meeting.
For registration information you are to contact the conference registrar via e-mail:
Once again we thank you for taking out your time in your busy scheduled to attend this meeting with us.
Yours faithfully,
Ms. Keira Ravenna
National Conference coordinator