Fraud Monitor

Fraud Item: fraud / escroc: EUBS, EUBS accounting services, whgcollections, Waldberg & Hirsch Global Collections

Fraudulent message



Dear Sirs, Madams,

Per our phone conversation this morning, we ask that you review terms of this agreement regarding the minimum contractual period of the agreement signed in xxxx, now charged per invoice no. xxxxx more than three months ago, for the third and last contractual year.

Below, quoted from the paragraph reffering to this exact contractual period and cancellation procedure:

The insertion into the data base of the European Trade Register is granted for three years and will be automatically extended every year for another year, unless specific written notice is received by the service provider or the subscriber two months before the expiration of the contract. This contract shall come into force seven days after the day the subscriber has signed the order and therefore shall end three years later.

Attached final notification sent beginning of this week, to announce cost collection through legal procedures to be innitiated starting the week after.

We remain at your disposal with assistance needed in an eventual amiable settlement, to save both our companies additional costs and time.

Best regards,

Accounts Department
Fax: 0031 205248107
Phone: 0031 208080789


Re: Collection of Unpaid Account; Your company / EU Business Services Ltd.

Dear Sirs,

Waldberg & Hirsch Global Collections Ltd. is handling the above mentioned file.

It has been brought to our attention the agreement concluded on , by and between your Company and my Client, EU Business Services Ltd. (the "Agreement"). Under the Agreement, my Client undertook to include your Company together with other relevant information regarding thereto in the database of European Trade Register. As a result, my Client entirely fulfilled its contractual obligations and has been performing the same since then in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of the Agreement.

Based on the relevant provisions of the Agreement, your Company has a payment obligation for the services requested and continuously provided by my Client there under. Although my Client has submitted the relevant invoice to your Company and has requested payment thereof several times, your Company has not paid up until now.

ln light of the foregoing and based on the relevant Terms and Conditions of the Agreement and the services provided by my Client towards your Company, you are hereby kindly requested to immediately pay the following amounts to my Client:

One year subscription
Late Payment Fee
Administration Fee
Legal Fee
Total EUR

My Client will continue to provide its services as set forth in the Agreement following the payment of the foregoing amounts, as well. Should your Company fail to make the requested payment of EURxxxx, - into the following bank account within'15 days from receipt of this letter, we will take the necessary legal steps against your Company.

I BAN : BG60PIRB80501 604554278

We trust foregoing is satlsfactory to you and you will honor your contractual obligations set forth under the and settle your outstanding accounts accordingly
Yours Sincerely,
Mr K van Ruler
Herengracht 518,
1017 CC Amsterdam,
The Netherlands


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An increasing number of email scams are using NGOs, International NGOs, development agencies, meetings, international conferences etc as the hook to defraud or cheat unsuspecting recipients. Always use caution when responding to or acting on unsolicited bulk email or paper mail.

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De plus en plus d'escrocs agissant par courriel utilisent des organisations non gouvernementales et des organisations non gouvernementales internationales, agences de développement, réunions, conférences internationales…comme mobile pour abuser de la confiance de personnes. Soyez prudents lorsque vous répondez à des courriels ou lettres non sollicitées.