List of All UIA Publications

This is a complete list of all UIA publications since its foundation in 1907. Some of these publications are available for sale. More information is available by clicking on the 'Read more' link. A number of the publications are held in UIA's archive, as indicated. For more information about consulting our archives, please see UIA Archives.

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UIA Pub Nr Title Year Editor/Author Publisher ISBN/ISSN Additional Information
239 Documents for the Study of International Non-governmental Organizations (series) - No 22 1977 Union of International Associations (Ed) Union of International Associations

Title: The Future of Transnational Associations From the Standpoint of a New World Order: a general review symposium convened by the UIA

238 International Congress Science Series - No 10 1977 Union of International Associations (Ed) Union of International Associations

Title: New Techniques in Congress Organization: international congresses in Asian Pacific region: proceedings of the 6th international congress on congress organization, Kyoto 1-4 Dec 1975

237 Documents for the Study of International Non-governmental Organizations (series) - No 21 1977 Union of International Associations (Ed) Union of International Associations

Title: L'avenir des associations internationales dans les perspectives du nouvel ordre mondial: un colloque de réflexion générale

236 Annual International Congress Calendar 1977 Union of International Associations (Ed) Union of International Associations 17th edition
235 Yearbook of International Organizations 1977 Union of International Associations (Ed) Union of International Associations 92-843-1235-4 16th edition
234 Annual International Congress Calendar 1976 Union of International Associations (Ed) Union of International Associations 16th edition
232 Yearbook of World Problems and Human Potential 1976 Mankind 2000 and Union of International Associations (Comp) Union of International Associations 92-834-0089-X 1st edition
233 Documents for the Study of International Non-governmental Organizations (series) - No 20 1975 Union of International Associations (Ed) Union of International Associations

Title: Les problèmes du language dans la société internationale. Compte rendu du colloque organisé par l'UAI à Paris, les 28 et 29 mars 1974, en association avec le Comité pour l'analyse des concepts et de la terminologie (COCTA) de l'Association internationale de science politique

231 Annual International Congress Calendar 1975 Union of International Associations (Ed) Union of International Associations 15th edition
230 Annual International Congress Calendar 1974 Union of International Associations (Ed) Union of International Associations 14th edition
227 Annuaire des organisations internationales 1974 Union of International Associations (Ed) Union of International Associations 15th edition
226 Yearbook of International Organizations 1974 Union of International Associations (Ed) Union of International Associations 15th edition
229 Documents for the Study of International Non-governmental Organizations (series) - No 19 1973 Union of International Associations (Ed) Union of International Associations

Title: The open society of the future: Report of a seminar to reflect on the network of international associations

228 Documents for the Study of International Non-governmental Organizations (series) - No 18 1973 Union of International Associations (Ed) Union of International Associations

Title: La nouvelle société ouverte: un séminaire sur le rôle à venir du réseau des associations internationales

225 Annual International Congress Calendar 1973 Union of International Associations (Ed) Union of International Associations 13th edition
224 Yearbook of International Organizations 1972-73 1972 Union of International Associations (Ed) Union of International Associations 24th edition
223 La Science des Congrès Internationaux - No 9 1972 Association internationale des traducteurs de conférence Union of International Associations

Title: Guide pratique à l'usage des organisateurs de conférences, services linguistiques - traduction, comptes rendus analytiques, édition - à l'exclusion de l'interprétation

222 International Congress Science Series - No 9 1972 International Association of Conference Translators Union of International Associations

Title: Practical Guide for Users of Conference Language Service, Excluding Interpretation

221 La Science des Congrès Internationaux - No 8 1971 Union of International Associations (Ed) Union of International Associations

Title: Les organisations internationales face à l'aspect budgétaire et économique de leur congrès: situation présente, perspectives d'avenir, conseils pratiques, budgets types: compte rendu du 5e Congrès international sur l'organisation des congrès: Barcelone 6-10 mai 1970

220 Yearbook of International Organizations: 1970-71 1971 R A Hall (Ed) Union of International Associations 13th edition
