List of All UIA Publications

This is a complete list of all UIA publications since its foundation in 1907. Some of these publications are available for sale. More information is available by clicking on the 'Read more' link. A number of the publications are held in UIA's archive, as indicated. For more information about consulting our archives, please see UIA Archives.

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UIA Pub Nrsort descending Title Year Editor/Author Publisher ISBN/ISSN Additional Information
262 Yearbook of International Organizations - Vol 2: Country Directory of Secretariats and Membership 1984 Union of International Associations (Ed) KG Saur Verlag 3-498-21861-3; 3-598-21863-X (set) 2nd edition. Volume 2 of 3 volumes
263 From Networking to Tensegrity Organization: collection of papers prepared to the concerns of the networks sub-project of the goals, processes and indicators of development project of the United Nations University 1984 Anthony Judge Union of International Associations 92-834-1263-8

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264 African International Organizations Directory and African Participation in Other International Organizations: 1984-1985 1984 Union of International Associations (Ed) KG Saur Verlag 3-598-21650-5 4 volumes
265 Arab and Islamic International Organizations Directory: Arab and Islamic Participation in Other International Organizations 1984 Union of International Associations (Ed) KG Saur Verlag 3-598-21650-5 4 volumes
266 Yearbook of International Organizations - Vol 3: Global action networks: classified directory by subject and region 1984 Union of International Associations (Ed) KG Saur Verlag 3-598-21862-1; 3-598-21863-X (set) 2nd edition. Volume 3 of 3 volumes
267 International Organization Abbreviations and Addresses: 1984-1985 1985 Union of International Associations (Ed) KG Saur Verlag 3-598-21652-3 4 volumes
268 Intergovernmental Organization Directory 1985 Union of International Associations (Ed) KG Saur Verlag 3-598-21653-X 4 volumes
269 The Geographical Distribution of Meetings Throughout the World 1985 Gian Carlo Figheria Union of International Associations 92-834-1269-?
270 Policy Alternation for Development: papers arising from work in connection with the Goal, processors and indicators of development project of the United Nations University 1978-1982 1984 Anthony Judge Union of International Associations 92-834-1270-9 Read article
271 Yearbook of International Organizations - Vol 1: Organization Descriptions and Index 1985 Union of International Associations (Ed) KG Saur Verlag 3-598-21856-6; 3-598-21868-0 (set) 22nd edition. Volume 1 of 3 volumes
272 Yearbook of International Organizations - Vol 2: Geographic Volume: International Organization Participation; Country Directory of Secretariats and Membership 1985 Union of International Associations (Ed) KG Saur Verlag 3-598-21866-4; 3-598-21868-0 (set) 3rd edition. Volume 2 of 3 volumes
273 Yearbook of International Organizations - Vol 3: Global action networks: classified directory by subject and region 1985 Union of International Associations (Ed) KG Saur Verlag 3-598-21868-0; 3-598-21868-0 (set) 3rd edition. Volume 3 of 3 volumes
274 International Congress Calendar 1985 Union of International Associations (Ed) KG Saur Verlag 0538-6349 25th edition, 4 volumes
275 Survey of African International Organizations and Participation of African Countries in International Organizations 1984 Anthony Judge Union of International Associations

Presented to the colloquium: The Identity of Associations and the Participation of INGOs in Africa in the Context of a New World Order, Brussels, Oct 1984

276 Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential 1986 Union of International Associations (Ed) KG Saur Verlag 3-598-21864-8 2nd edition
277 International Congress Calendar 1986 Union of International Associations (Ed) KG Saur Verlag 0538-6349 26th edition, 4 volumes
278 Yearbook of International Organizations - Vol 1: Organization Descriptions and Index 1986 Union of International Associations (Ed) KG Saur Verlag 3-598-21870-2 23rd edition. Volume 1 of 3 volumes
279 Yearbook of International Organizations - Vol 2: International organization participation: country directory of secretariats and membership 1986 Union of International Associations (Ed) KG Saur Verlag 3-598-21871-0 4th edition. Volume 2 of 3 volumes
280 Documents for the Study of International Non-governmental Organizations (series) - No 24 1986 Paul Ghils Union of International Associations

English title: The identity of African associations and the participation of NGOs in development in the context of a new world order: Proceedings of UAI Colloquim 1984. French title: L'identité associative en Afrique et la participation des ONG au développement en vue d'un nouvel ordre mondial: Actes du Colloque UAI 1984.

281 Yearbook of International Organizations - Vol 3: Global action networks: classified directory by subject and region 1986 Union of International Associations (Ed) KG Saur Verlag 3-598-21872-9 4th edition. Volume 3 of 3 volumes
