List of All UIA Publications

This is a complete list of all UIA publications since its foundation in 1907. Some of these publications are available for sale. More information is available by clicking on the 'Read more' link. A number of the publications are held in UIA's archive, as indicated. For more information about consulting our archives, please see UIA Archives.

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UIA Pub Nr Title Yearsort descending Editor/Author Publisher ISBN/ISSN Additional Information
266 Yearbook of International Organizations - Vol 3: Global action networks: classified directory by subject and region 1984 Union of International Associations (Ed) KG Saur Verlag 3-598-21862-1; 3-598-21863-X (set) 2nd edition. Volume 3 of 3 volumes
270 Policy Alternation for Development: papers arising from work in connection with the Goal, processors and indicators of development project of the United Nations University 1978-1982 1984 Anthony Judge Union of International Associations 92-834-1270-9 Read article
275 Survey of African International Organizations and Participation of African Countries in International Organizations 1984 Anthony Judge Union of International Associations

Presented to the colloquium: The Identity of Associations and the Participation of INGOs in Africa in the Context of a New World Order, Brussels, Oct 1984

267 International Organization Abbreviations and Addresses: 1984-1985 1985 Union of International Associations (Ed) KG Saur Verlag 3-598-21652-3 4 volumes
268 Intergovernmental Organization Directory 1985 Union of International Associations (Ed) KG Saur Verlag 3-598-21653-X 4 volumes
269 The Geographical Distribution of Meetings Throughout the World 1985 Gian Carlo Figheria Union of International Associations 92-834-1269-?
271 Yearbook of International Organizations - Vol 1: Organization Descriptions and Index 1985 Union of International Associations (Ed) KG Saur Verlag 3-598-21856-6; 3-598-21868-0 (set) 22nd edition. Volume 1 of 3 volumes
272 Yearbook of International Organizations - Vol 2: Geographic Volume: International Organization Participation; Country Directory of Secretariats and Membership 1985 Union of International Associations (Ed) KG Saur Verlag 3-598-21866-4; 3-598-21868-0 (set) 3rd edition. Volume 2 of 3 volumes
273 Yearbook of International Organizations - Vol 3: Global action networks: classified directory by subject and region 1985 Union of International Associations (Ed) KG Saur Verlag 3-598-21868-0; 3-598-21868-0 (set) 3rd edition. Volume 3 of 3 volumes
274 International Congress Calendar 1985 Union of International Associations (Ed) KG Saur Verlag 0538-6349 25th edition, 4 volumes
Survey on International Meeting Issues 1985 Union of International Associations Union of International Associations 1st edition
276 Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential 1986 Union of International Associations (Ed) KG Saur Verlag 3-598-21864-8 2nd edition
277 International Congress Calendar 1986 Union of International Associations (Ed) KG Saur Verlag 0538-6349 26th edition, 4 volumes
278 Yearbook of International Organizations - Vol 1: Organization Descriptions and Index 1986 Union of International Associations (Ed) KG Saur Verlag 3-598-21870-2 23rd edition. Volume 1 of 3 volumes
279 Yearbook of International Organizations - Vol 2: International organization participation: country directory of secretariats and membership 1986 Union of International Associations (Ed) KG Saur Verlag 3-598-21871-0 4th edition. Volume 2 of 3 volumes
280 Documents for the Study of International Non-governmental Organizations (series) - No 24 1986 Paul Ghils Union of International Associations

English title: The identity of African associations and the participation of NGOs in development in the context of a new world order: Proceedings of UAI Colloquim 1984. French title: L'identité associative en Afrique et la participation des ONG au développement en vue d'un nouvel ordre mondial: Actes du Colloque UAI 1984.

281 Yearbook of International Organizations - Vol 3: Global action networks: classified directory by subject and region 1986 Union of International Associations (Ed) KG Saur Verlag 3-598-21872-9 4th edition. Volume 3 of 3 volumes
282 International Congress Calendar 1987 Union of International Associations (Ed) KG Saur Verlag 0538-6349 27th edition, 4 volumes
283 Yearbook of International Organizations - Vol 1: Organization Descriptions and Index 1987 Union of International Associations (Ed) KG Saur Verlag 3-598-21874-5 24th edition. Volume 1 of 3 volumes
284 Yearbook of International Organizations - Vol 2: International organization participation: country directory of secretariats and membership 1987 Union of International Associations (Ed) KG Saur Verlag 3-598-21875-3 5th edition. Volume 2 of 3 volumes
