List of All UIA Publications

This is a complete list of all UIA publications since its foundation in 1907. Some of these publications are available for sale. More information is available by clicking on the 'Read more' link. A number of the publications are held in UIA's archive, as indicated. For more information about consulting our archives, please see UIA Archives.

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UIA Pub Nr Title Yearsort descending Editor/Author Publisher ISBN/ISSN Additional Information
169 Yearbook of International Organizations / Annuaire des organisations internationales 1960-1961 1961 Union of International Associations (Ed) Union of International Associations 8th edition
167 La Science des Congrès Internationaux - No 2 1961 Union of International Associations (Ed) Union of International Associations Title: Manuel de l'organisateur de congrès
168 International Congress Science Series - No 2 1961 Union of International Associations (Ed) Union of International Associations Title: Congress Organizer's Manual
172 Documents for the Study of International Non-governmental Organizations (series) - No 10 1961 Louis Verniers Union of International Associations Title: La coopération internationale et nous
166a Bibliographical Current List of Papers, Reports and Proceedings of International Meetings 1961-1967 Union of International Associations (Ed) Union of International Associations Published monthly. Precursor of the Yearbook of International Congress Proceedings
175 Index of International Associations 1949-1958 1962 E S Tew (Comp) Union of International Associations
174 International Initials / Sigles internationaux 1962 Union of International Associations (Ed) Union of International Associations
179 Yearbook of International Organizations 1962-63 1962 Union of International Associations (Ed) Union of International Associations 9th edition
173 International Congress Calendar 1962 Union of International Associations (Ed) Union of International Associations
177 Documents for the Study of International Non-governmental Organizations (series) - No 12 1962 Louis Verniers Union of International Associations Title: International Cooperation and You
178 Documents for the Study of International Non-governmental Organizations (series) - No 13 1962 Louis Verniers Union of International Associations Title: Wij en de Internationale Samenwerking
176 Documents for the Study of International Non-governmental Organizations (series) - No 11 1962 James E Knott Union of International Associations Title: Freedom of Association: a Study of the Role of International Non Governmental Organizations in the Development Process of Emerging Countries
183 Bibliography of Proceedings of International Meetings Held in 1957 1963 Union of International Associations (Ed) Union of International Associations French title: Bibliographie des comptes rendus des réunions internationales tenues en 1957
185 International Congress Science Series - No 3 1963 Union of International Associations (Ed) Union of International Associations Title: Proceedings of the 3rd Congress of International Congress Organizers and Technicians, Rome 12-15 November 1962: audio-visual equipment, associated exhibitions, public relations
182 International Initialese: Guide to Initials in Current International Use 1963 Union of International Associations (Ed) Union of International Associations French title: Sigles internationaux: répertoire alphabétique des abréviations d'usage courant. Enlarged 2nd edition
184 La Science des Congrès Internationaux - No 3 1963 Union of International Associations (Ed) Union of International Associations Title: Compte rendu du 3e Congrès des organisateurs et techniciens de congrès internationaux, Rome, 12-15 novembre 1962
181 Annual International Congress Calendar 1963 Union of International Associations (Ed) Union of International Associations
180 Who's Who in International Organizations 1962-63 1963 Union of International Associations (Ed) Union of International Associations
187 Bibliography of Proceedings of International Meetings Held in 1958 1964 Union of International Associations (Ed) Union of International Associations French title: Bibliographie des comptes rendus des réunions internationales tenues en 1958
186 Annual International Congress Calendar 1964 Unknown Union of International Associations
