International Organizations Search

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Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID


U d XN6792


1993 U d XN9058

Transfert entre entreprises européennes

TEE U s XU2444

Transformation Resource Centre

TRC 1979 Maseru Lesotho U x XN4726

Transit traffic framework agreement

U dgp XJ3742

TRANSLOG International

2005 U d XG8740

Transmar Project

1975 San José Costa Rica U gx XF5728

Transnational Coordination of the Iraq Committees

U sx XM2541

Transnational Family Research Institute

Bethesda MD USA U jx XN7758

Transnational Perspectives

TP Geneva Switzerland U x XG8974

Transnational Society of Advocates of the Adidam Revelation

Middletown CA USA U x XN8416

Transnationals Information Centre London

TICL U d XG6916

Transocean Marine Paint Association

1959 Rotterdam Netherlands U x XN3129

Transport 2000 International

T2000I 1976 London UK U x XG1967

Transport and Chemical Transformation of Environmentally Relevant Trace Constituents in the Troposphere over Europe, Phase-2

EUROTRAC 2 U dg XF5097

Transport for Christ International

TFC 1951 Denver PA USA U x XN4066

Transsahara - Caravanes sans frontières

1977 Marseille France U x XN5390

Transworld Advertising Agency Network

TAAN 1936 Fort Myers FL USA U x XN2396

Transylvanian World Federation

1968 Sao Paulo Brazil U x XN3833

Travel Agency Owners and Managers Association International

TOMA Scottsdale AZ USA U x XN0358

Travellers Aid - International Social Service of America

TAISSA 1972 U d XU4477

Travelling Folk High School

Øyer Norway U x XG8822

Travelling School - Third World

Warburg Germany U x XG6438

Tree Pest Management Network for Central, Eastern and Southern Africa

Nairobi Kenya U xy XF3659

Tree Society of Southern Africa

TSSA 1946 Johannesburg South Africa U x XN4195
