International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

South American Transpersonal Association

U x XJ5395

South American Travel Organization

SATO 1963 U d XE4983

South and Central Asia MAB Network

SACAM Network 2002 Delhi India U x XF6817

South and Central Asian Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Network

SCAMAP 1979 U dg XF0537

South and Southeast Asia Network for Environmental Education

SASEANEE 1993 Ahmedabad India U x XF2726

South Asia Breeders Organization

SABRO U s XU0444

South Asia Business Association

SABA New York NY USA U x XN7671

South Asia Coalition of Legal Aid

SACOLA Kathmandu Nepal U x XF3245

South Asia Human Development Forum

SAHDF 2002 Kathmandu Nepal U x XF6733

South Asia Human Rights Action Programme

Colombo Sri Lanka U x XG2623

South Asia Network for River Basin Organizations

SASNET-RBO Colombo Sri Lanka U gx XJ2131

South Asia Network of Microfinance Initiatives

SANMFI 1997 U x XF6142

South Asia Network on Food, Ecology and Culture


South Asia Partnership International

SAP International 1995 U dy XF0325

South Asia Pharmaceutical Council

SAPEC 1998 U d XJ4950

South Asia Population Information Network

South Asia POPIN U x XK1976

South Asia Regional Fund

SARF 1997 Delhi India U fx XF6146

South Asia Studies Centre

Jaipur India U x XG1128

South Asia Tourism Association

SATA U s XU1986

South Asian Agricultural Information Centre

U x XU8907

South Asian Association for Right to Development

Dhaka Bangladesh U x XN6567

South Asian Community Centre for Education and Research

SACCER Nagercoil India U x XN5315

South Asian Council for Cooperation in Trade and Industry

U st XU8390

South Asian Disaster Management Centre

SADMC U d XE1908

South Asian Economic Cooperation Scheme

Colombo Sri Lanka U gx XF6601
