International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Regional Meteorological Council for the Little Eight

U x XU1065

Regional Mineral Resources Development Centre

RMRDC 1973 U dg XE9598

Regional Network for Agricultural Engineering and Machinery

RCAEM 1977 U dg XF8735

Regional Network for Appropriate Technology for Rural Development

1979 U d XF1278

Regional Network for Community Technology for Southeast Asia and the Pacific

RNTCD U d XF3776

Regional Network for Development of Alternative Sources of Energy

1982 U d XF1266

Regional Network for Housing for Low Income Groups

U d XF1279

Regional Network for Renewable Energy in Southeast Asia and the Pacific

U x XJ1750

Regional Network for Technology and Environment in Southeast Asia and the Pacific

U x XJ1751

Regional Network for Technology for Industrial Development in Southeast Asia and the Pacific

1994 U dt XF1267

Regional Network for the Production, Marketing and Control of Pesticides in Asia and the Pacific

RENPAP 1982 Vienna Austria U x XF2860

Regional Network for the Training, In-Service Training and Further Training of Teachers

U dg XK0191

Regional Network for Training Personnel and Providing Specific Support in Adult Education and Literacy Programmes

U dg XF1815

Regional Network in Asia-Pacific for Low-Cost Building Materials Technologies and Construction Systems


Regional Network of Engineering Institutions

U d XK1112

Regional Network of Food and Nutrition Institutes Working in Latin America


Regional Network of Management and Utilization of Wastes

U d XF1283

Regional Network of Non-Governmental Organizations for Sustainable Development in Central America

1987 U d XF1244

Regional Office of Information and Economic Studies

U d XU9393

Regional Organization Asia Pacific of the IFMSA

ROAP-IFMSA 1966 U d XE0091

Regional Plan of Action for the Conservation of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden

RED 1982 U dg XF1827

Regional Platform for Cooperation of Voluntary Service Organizations from Central and Eastern Europe

EASTLINKS 1997 Warsaw Poland U x XF6272

Regional Poultry Training and Development Centre for the Near East

U d XE1854

Regional Prevention of Maternal Mortality Network

RPMM 1988 U dv XF6454

Regional Programme for Eradication of Illiteracy in Africa

1984 U dg XF0439
