International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Planetary Cooperation for Natural Living

U s XU6388

Planetary Initiatives for the World We Choose

1981 U d XF0931

Planetary Stewardship

U x XG0165

Planetary Synergy League

1959 Chapel Hill NC USA U x XG6834

Planète films-vidéos diffusion mondiale

Brussels Belgium U x XN0764

Planning Assistance

PA 1973 Washington DC USA U x XG3167

Plant Genetic Resource Network for South American Tropics


Plant Location International

U d XU1293

Plant Resources for Tropical Africa

PROTA U d XM2759

Plant-It 2020

1992 Highlands Ranch CO USA U x XQ0118

Plantmilk Society

1956 U x XU1297

Plastics and Rubber Institute

PRI 1975 U dj XF0310

Plate-forme internationale de jeunes francophones

PIJEF 2003 Marly-le-Roi France U x XF7093

Plateforme pour le Développement Durable des Caraïbes

PLAC 21 Paris France U x XJ1163

Platform for European Red Cross Cooperation on Refugees, Asylum-seekers and Migrants

PERCO 1997 Geneva Switzerland U x XF6352

Platform for Logistics and Aviation Networks in Europe

PLANE 1998 U x XJ1419

Platform Migrants and European Citizenship

PMC 2003 U d XM2395

Pleasure Navigation International Joint Committee

PNIC 1969 U d XD9501

Plowshares Institute

PI 1981 U dj XN8276

Plume d'or

1972 U d XF0420

Plunkett Foundation

1919 Oxford UK U fn XG1831

PluralArts International

New York NY USA U x XG9118

Poet's House

U d XU1382

Poètes sans frontières

U x XU7037

Poets International Organization

PIO 1972 Bangalore India U x XG9152
