International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Parlement centroaméricain

U x XU5024

Parlement de jeunes de la Méditerranée

PAJEMED Nice France U x XG6667

Parlement mondial des familles universelles

Geneva Switzerland U px XG1909

Parliamentarians for East Timor

PET 1988 U dv XE1730

Parliamentary Council of the European Movement

1952 Vottem Belgium U x XH0864

Parliamentary Early Warning Network

1994 New York NY USA U px XJ9681

Parliamentary Group for World Government

1947 London UK U x XG5152

Parliamentary Human Rights Foundation

PHRF U fx XG5071

Parliamentary Human Rights Foundation Europe

PHRF Europe 1995 U df XE2671

Parquet européen

U px XU7919

Parrainage réseau d'éducation européen

U x XU1811

Parsee Association of Europe

U d XU0580

Partage action Tiers-monde

PAT Ressaix Belgium U x XN4336

Partenaires d'Afrique pour le développement

PAD Louvain-la-Neuve Belgium U x XQ0025

Partenaires sans frontières

PSF U d XN1931

Partenariat sud/North Partnership

PSNP Colfontaine Belgium U x XN8462

Partenariats Nord-Sud

PNS Brussels Belgium U x XN8336

Parti d'action européenne

1858 U d XU0081

Parti mondial des femmes

U x XU2861

Parti ouvrier andin

Bogota Colombia U x XF8881

Participating Refugees in Europe

PRIE Amsterdam Netherlands U x XN8080

Participatory Development Resource Centre for Africa

PDRCA Harare Zimbabwe U x XG2554

Participer et agir aujourd'hui

U x XG6652

Particle and Nuclear Astrophysics and Gravitation International Committee

PaNAGIC 1998 U dv XE3757

Partner Aid International

1998 U n XM5587
