International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

One World Lacrosse Foundation

OWL 2010 Golden CO USA U d XJ6808

One World Movement of the Ecumenical Community

Carlisle UK U x XG8944

Oneworld - Platform for South East Europe


ONG para la Cooperación con el Tercer Mundo

PERSONAS 1990 Caceres Spain U x XG3497

Online International

Pinner UK U x XG1186

Ontario Africa Working Group

OAWG 1987 Guelph ON Canada U x XG7568

Ontario Central America Solidarity Network

Toronto ON Canada U x XN0423

Ontario Centre of International Business

Waterloo ON Canada U x XN3229

Ontwikkelingshulp der Dominikanen

Leuven Belgium U x XG3972

ONU-OAS Commission pour superviser la démobilisation de la guérilla antisandiniste

U gpx XU6697

Onwikkelingsvereniging van Suider-Afrika

OSA 1983 Randburg South Africa U x XG2129

Ootru Organization - Centre for Development

1972 Jaffna Sri Lanka U x XG0430

OPCW Equipment Store and Laboratory

1996 Rijswijk Netherlands U gx XK1513

OPEC News Agency

OPECNA 1980 U dg XF0574

Open Broadcast Network International

OBN International U x XD7944

Open Cinema Consortium

Ithaca NY USA U x XJ0475

Open Forum for CSO Development Effectiveness

2008 U dy XJ5641

Open Heart World Mission

OHWM 1987 U x XN3874

Open House International Association

U x XU6165

Open International University for Alternative Medicines

1991 Kolkata India U x XN8791

Open IPTV Forum

OIPF 2007 U d XJ7532

Open Market International Consortium, Bulgaria

U x XJ4814

Open Microprocessor Systems Initiative Management Office

Omimo U d XF3615

Open Networking Foundation

ONF U df XM7800

Open Services Gateway Initiative Alliance

OSGI Alliance 1999 U d XF4112
