International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

International Electoral Institute Commission

U jx XU1549

International Electrical Association

IEA 1973 U d XF1982

International Electrology Educators

IEE 1979 U d XG0984

International Electronic Facsimile Users Association

IEFUA U d XU6309

International Electronic Network 'Communication Access for Everybody'

CAFE Electronic 1984 U d XF3658

International Electronic Publishing Research Centre

IEPRC 1981 U d XF5042

International Electronic Taxpayer Data Exchange

U s XU2451

International Electronics and Technical Institute

Manila Philippines U jx XG7251

International Electronics Packaging Society

IEPS 1977 U d XN4075

International Electrotechnical Committee on Electric and Hybrid Vehicles

U x XU1261

International Elvis Presley Fan Club

1986 U d XN3704

International Emergency Committee on Sri Lanka

London UK U x XN6397

International Emigration Commission

U d XU0050

International Employee Exchange


International Employee Stock Option Coalition

Washington DC USA U xy XF6738

International Energy Analysis Group

New York NY USA U x XN2704

International Energy Bank

IEB 1973 U x XF4559

International Energy Conservation Group

U d XG4873

International Energy Initiative

IEI Bangalore India U x XG8012

International Energy Initiative, New York

U d XU2415

International Energy Regulation Network

IERN 2006 U d XJ4634

International English Language Association

U x XU0536

International Entente Against Violence in Sport and for Fair Play

1983 U dy XF0130

International Enterprise Foundation of Geneva

IEFG 1987 U df XF1373

International Entrepreneur Association

IEA 1973 San Luis Obispo CA USA U x XN9114
