International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

International Consortium For Oral Clefts Genetics

ICOCG 1997 U d XF5572

International Consortium for the Advancement of Academic Publication

ICAAP Athabasca AB Canada U x XN9908

International Consortium for the Management and Technology of Energy, Environment and Ecology

ICMTEEE 1993 U x XG6164

International Consortium of ALEPH Users

ICAU 1991 U d XM2654

International Consortium of APEC Study Centres

U dy XF6087

International Consortium of Geological Surveys

ICOGS Ibaraki Japan U d XF4861

International Consortium of Geological Surveys for Earth Computing

IGCSECS Vienna Austria U x XN8409

International Consortium on European Culture Studies

ICECS 1999 Bochum Germany U xy XF7044

International Consortium on Religion and Ecology

ICORE Washington DC USA U x XG1569

International Construction Institute

ICI 1997 Rome Italy U jx XG6864

International Consular Academy

1969 U d XN4068

International Consultancy on Religion, Education and Culture

ICOREC Manchester UK U x XG3791

International Consultancy Organization

ICO 1976 Kolkata India U x XF0118

International Consultants for Reproductive Health

ICRH 1996 U d XK1496

International Consultants for Utilities


International Consultants Foundation

ICF 1973 U fvx XF5761

International Consultation on English Texts

ICET 1969 U d XU8898

International Consultative Forum on Education for All

EFA Forum 1990 U cdg XS0134

International Consultative Group on Food Irradiation

ICGFI U dg XE7053

International Consultative Group on Nuclear Energy

1977 U d XH8848

International Consulting Centre for Natural Medicine

Kaohsiung Taiwan U x XG6744

International Consumer Electronics Association

1971 U d XG2362

International Contact Center Benchmarking Consortium

ICCBC Houston TX USA U x XQ2922

International Contact Group for Bosnia-Herzegovina

1994 U dg XF6153

International Contact Lens Council of Ophthalmology

ICLCO Hyderabad India U x XF2466
