International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

International Committee for World Trade and Development

ICWTD U tx XU1698

International Committee Immunopathology

U x XU0780

International Committee Inter-Regional Cooperation on Social Sciences

ICIRCSS 1976 U s XU6458

International Committee of Amateur Theatric Federations

U d XU0933

International Committee of Architectural Critics

1978 U dv XD9492

International Committee of Artists in Support of the Palestinian Uprising

Athens Greece U x XN4902

International Committee of Bottled Water Industry Suppliers

U tx XJ4622

International Committee of Conscience on Vietnam

1965 U d XU5270

International Committee of Diabetes Magazines

ICDM U d XF1108

International Committee of Dialectologists

U x XU5607

International Committee of Enamelling Creators

1984 U x XN2263

International Committee of Experts on Private Aerial Law

U x XU0902

International Committee of Inquiry to Protect Basic Human Rights in the Face of Globalization

Basic Human Rights and Globalization U d XM0729

International Committee of Lawyers for Democracy and Human Rights in South Korea

1976 Nice France U vx XE1074

International Committee of Orpheonic Research

U x XU2673

International Committee of Roman Catholic Nurses and Assistants

U d XU1755

International Committee of Scientific Management in Agriculture

U s XU1947

International Committee of Sky Scouts

U x XU1546

International Committee of Solidarity with Cyprus

ICSC 1974 Helsinki Finland U x XN3347

International Committee of Solidarity with the Palestinian People

Ivry-sur-Seine France U x XF9432

International Committee of Solidarity with the Struggle of Women in South Africa and Namibia

1981 U d XE2595

International Committee of Support to Algerian Intellectuals

Paris France U vx XN6398

International Committee of the Blue Shield

ICBS 1996 Paris France U d XE3290

International Committee of the Northern Associations of Criminalists

U x XU9762

International Committee of Youth Organizations

1956 Moscow Russia U x XN0849
