International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Interconnexion de l'électricité du Sud-Ouest de l'Europe

IESOE 1988 Madrid Spain U x XF1783

Intercontinental Club for Plastics use in Building and Engineering

ICP 1984 Tilff Belgium U x XF1330

Intercontinental Equestrian Adventures

Brussels Belgium U x XN3367

Intercontinental Nurse Healers Professional Association

U tx XF4814


1982 U dfy XG7825


1967 U d XN2851


U d XF1698

Intercultural Counselling - European Study Group for Youth Exchange, Training and Research

IC Europe U x XN7126

Intercultural European Association, London

U x XU3591

Intercultural Initiatives of Black Women's Studies

Frankfurt-Main Germany U x XN5914

Intercultural Institute of Montreal

IIM 1963 U dj XG1678


1994 Geneva Switzerland U x XF5952

Interdisciplinary Centre for Comparative Research in the Social Sciences

ICCR 1986 U d XJ8010

Interdisciplinary Research and Training Centre for Development Cooperation

ISVO Ghent Belgium U x XG7006

Interdisciplinary Study Group on European Integration

ISEI 1977 The Hague Netherlands U x XG9368

Interdisziplinäre Arbeitsgruppe Friedens- und Abrüstungsforschung

IAFA U d XG6941


1984 U d XF0145


IEC 1983 Sofia Bulgaria U x XG8526


1973 U dg XD8162


U x XU3327


1972 U dg XD7633

Intérêts nationaux, conciliation internationale

INCI 1906 U d XU7136

Interfaculty Committee Agraria

ICA 1988 U d XE1549

Interfaculty Institute of Central and East Europe

U dj XG3473

Interfaculty Study Group on Peace and Security

1973 U x XG8773
