International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Rehabilitation in Multiple Sclerosis

RIMS 1991 Wijgmaal Belgium E XE3555

Rehabilitation International - European Communities Association

RI-ECA 1988 New York NY USA E XE1667

Religions for Peace - Europe

2002 E y XK0704

Renew Europe - Committee of the Regions

Renew Europe 1998 Brussels Belgium E v XM4739

Renewable and Low-Carbon Fuels Value Chain Industrial Alliance

RLCF Alliance 2022 Brussels Belgium E y AA4376

Research Centre for Islamic History, Art and Culture

IRCICA 1978 Istanbul Türkiye E g XE1000

Réseau européen de recherche et d'innovation dans l'enseignement supérieur

RERIES Louvain-la-Neuve Belgium E XM0275

Réseau international d'écoles doctorales en sociologie/sciences sociales

RéDoc Namur Belgium E XJ1867

Réseau international francophone des établissements de formation de formateurs

RIFEFF 2003 Montréal QC Canada E XM1551

Rett Syndrome Europe

RSE E XE4732

Reunión Anual de Dermatólogos Latinoamericanos

RADLA 1972 E c XJ6759

Rheumatism Association of ASEAN

RAA 1984 Quezon City Philippines E XE1337

Richelieu International

RI 1944 Ottawa ON Canada E XF8203

RICS Europe

1993 Brussels Belgium E XD3565

Right to Die Europe

RtDE 1993 E XJ4901

Right to Play International

Toronto ON Canada E XJ1231

RIPESS Europe - Economy Solidarity Europe

RIPESS Europe 2011 Esch-sur-Alzette Luxembourg E y XJ8665

Robert Schuman Institute for Developing Democracy in Central and Eastern Europe

RSI 1995 Budapest Hungary E jy XE2800

Robert Schuman Institute for Europe

IRSE 1982 Scy-Chazelles France E jy XE0848

Robotics: Science and Systems Foundation

RSS Foundation E c XS1412

Rome Euro-Mediterranean Energy Platform

REMEP 2003 E g XJ1236

ROPME Sea Area Hydrographic Commission

RSAHC 2000 Muscat Oman E g XJ5156

Rotaria Amikaro de Esperanto

RADE 1928 E v XE8493

Roth Williams International Society of Orthodontists

RWISO Los Gatos CA USA E XM3242

Rotman International Centre for Pension Management

ICPM 2005 Toronto ON Canada E XJ1795
