International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Global Speakers Federation

GSF 1997 Toronto ON Canada C XM1693

Global Sustainability Coalition for Open Science Services

SCOSS 2017 C y AA1797

Global Telecom Women's Network

GTWN 1991 Cologne Germany C XJ8375

Global UTM Association

GUTMA Lausanne Switzerland C XM6249

Global Virus Network

GVN Baltimore MD USA C XJ7872

Global Water Research Coalition

GWRC 2002 Stirling SA Australia C XJ9642

Global Wind Organisation

GWO Copenhagen Denmark C AA2298

Globalization and Localization Association

GALA 2002 Aurora CO USA C XD9428

Graduate Management Admission Council

GMAC 1970 Reston VA USA C y XJ7292

Green Hydrogen Organisation

GH2 2021 Geneva Switzerland C AA3389

Green Jobs and Sustainable Development International Centre

GJASD International 2014 Geneva Switzerland C XM7299

Groupe International de Recherche sur l'Infinitésimal

GIRI 1986 C v XJ1267

Groupement des allergologistes et immunologistes de langues latines

GAILL 1971 Lisbon Portugal C v XD4696


1977 Brussels Belgium C yt XC8492

HAE International

HAEi 2003 Horsens Denmark C XJ2039

Heart Valve Society

HVS Beverly MA USA C AA0628

High Seas Alliance

HSA 2011 Halifax NS Canada C y XJ5896

Hospitality Sales and Marketing Association International

HSMAI 1927 McLean VA USA C XG0177

Human Development and Capability Association

HDCA 2004 Brewster MA USA C XM0561


2014 Lille France C AA2537

Humanists International

1952 Glasgow UK C y XC2112


2017 Washington DC USA C y AA2831

Hypospadias International Society

HIS 2018 Seligenstadt Germany C AA1671


1979 London UK C XD6823


1990 Toronto ON Canada C XC0013
