International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

World Association of Belarussian Jewry

WABJ 1993 Brooklyn NY USA U x XN5819

World Association of Chinese Public Health Professionals

WACPHP 2004 Shatin Hong Kong U tx XJ4610

World Association of Convention and Congress Organizers and Operators

WACCOO 1972 U x XU2959

World Association of Daily Vacation Bible Schools

WADVBS Ponte Vedra Beach FL USA U n XG4482

World Association of Electroshock Survivors

U d XG7556

World Association of Energy Lawyers

WAEL U d XE1867

World Association of Estonians

WAE 1941 Forest Hills NY USA U x XE0650

World Association of Experimenters in Post-Secondary Education


World Association of Hypnotherapists

U x XU0772

World Association of Independent Creators

WAIC Dunajska Streda Slovakia U x XQ0042

World Association of Law Students

1975 U d XE3820

World Association of Management Consulting Firms

AMCF 1929 U d XN1113

World Association of Muslim Jurists

WAMJ U ps XU0119

World Association of Persons with Disabilities

WAPD Oklahoma City OK USA U x XN0823

World Association of Prosecutors

WAP U d XE1868

World Association of Research Media

WARM U x XJ8387

World Association of Technology Transfer Organizations

WATTO 1992 U dp XM1234

World Association of Trademark Owners

WATO Kampenhout Belgium U tx XN9645

World Association of Upper Silesians

1948 Washington DC USA U x XN1148

World Association of Yacht Clubs

1972 Miami FL USA U x XN1998

World Association of Young People's Friends

U x XU6036

World Association Reform Youth

WARY U x XU1898

World Association to Remove Prejudice Against the Handicapped

WARPATH 1974 U s XU6312

World Associations of Cities and Local Authorities Coordination

WACLAC 1996 U xy XE2377

World Atomic Energy Pool

U x XU0529
