International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

International Institute for Frame Study

IIFS 1992 U jx XN7088

International Institute for Franchise Education

IIFE 2002 U d XJ4049

International Institute for General Systems Studies

IIGSS Chadds Ford PA USA U jx XN7127

International Institute for Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation

ITC 1950 U jn XF0555

International Institute for Geothermal Research

1965 Pisa Italy U jx XE6043

International Institute for Girls' and Women's Education, Ouagadougou

U gjx XJ7100

International Institute for Global Change, Sausalito CA

Sausalito CA USA U jx XG1661

International Institute for Health Promotion

IIHP Washington DC USA U jx XG9159

International Institute for High Technology and New Materials

IITM 1988 U dj XE1613

International Institute for Human Evolutionary Research

IIHER 1991 Corvallis OR USA U jx XG3948

International Institute for Human Rights and Democracy in Africa

1991 London UK U jx XG2934

International Institute for Industrial Planning

U djt XE4552

International Institute for Integral Design

IIID Stuttgart Germany U jx XG9438

International Institute for Inter-Religious Diplomacy

3IRD 2008 U dj XJ1226

International Institute for Intercultural Contacts

ISTROS 1991 U jx XF2211

International Institute for Interphase Interactions, St Petersburg

IIII 1992 St Petersburg Russia U jx XG4477

International Institute for Journalism, Berlin

IIJ 1962 U djn XG2530

International Institute for Labour, Development and Cooperative Studies

ILDEC 1958 U dj XF0238

International Institute for Land Reclamation and Improvement

Alterra-ILRI 1955 Wageningen Netherlands U dj XG2662

International Institute for Lath and Plaster

1952 Palm Desert CA USA U jx XN0651

International Institute for Market Relations and Entrepreneurship, Kiev - Center Rynok

1990 Kiev Ukraine U jx XG6876

International Institute for Media and Development

1977 Berlin Germany U jx XG7195

International Institute for Municipal Development Henri Jaquet

Créteil France U jx XG2668

International Institute for Municipal Sciences

1968 U dj XE6333

International Institute for Natural, Environmental and Cultural Resource Management

IIRM 1992 Las Cruces NM USA U jx XG5586
