International Organizations Search

General Org Information
Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II UIA Org ID

Inter-Scholarship Exchange Agency

ISEA 1988 Monrovia Liberia U x XN6826

Inter-State Centre for the Promotion of Handicrafts and Cultural Tourism

U dg XE0142

Inter-State School of Rural Equipment Engineers

1969 U dg XF5373

Inter-States Committee on the Safety of Air Traffic and Air Navigation Services in the Roberts Flight Information Region

FIR 1975 U gx XU2670

Inter-States road transport convention

U gx XJ2669

Inter-Territorial Pastoral and Social Development Centre

U d XE0596

Inter-Trade Union Committee for the Metal and Mineworkers' Unions

U dt XE1094

Inter-Union Bioinformatics Group

IUBG 1998 Jouy-en-Josas France U d XJ4102

Inter-Union Commission on Geodynamics

ICG 1969 U d XU4486

Inter-Union Commission on Radio Meteorology

IUCRM 1959 U d XU3844

Inter-Union Commission on Spectroscopy

IUCS 1966 U d XE4501

Inter-Union Commission on Studies of the Moon

U d XU3399

Inter-University Centre for Latin American, African and Asian Studies

CIELA 1988 Recife Brazil U x XN4506

Inter-University Communications Network

BITNET 1981 U d XF1233

Inter-University Council of Pacific Hemisphere Universities

Honolulu HI USA U x XN3403

Inter-University Institute for Missiological and Ecumenical Research

IIM0 1969 U dj XN1131

Inter-University Southeast Asia Committee

ISAC 1968 Ann Arbor MI USA U x XG6680

Inter-Varsity Missions Fellowship

1936 Madison WI USA U x XN6119

InterAcademy Council

IAC 2000 U d XF6382

InterAcademy Medical Panel

IAMP 2000 U dy XF6383


1973 U x XJ6986

Interact Worldwide

1977 U d XG6871

Interactive European Network for Industrial Crops and their Applications

IENICA 1997 U dt XF4798

Interactive Media Trade Association

MDG Org U tx XN8890

Interactive Services Association

ISA 1981 U x XN8317
