Forms of Presentation and the Future of Comprehension


Anthony Judge

1. Anthony Judge. Presentation of GPID integration through functional classification of international organizations. (Paper represented to 5th Network Meeting of the Goals, Processes and Indicators of Development project of the United Nations University, Montreal, 1980).

2. Paul Otlet. Tableau de l'Organisation Internationale; organismes internationaux et activits internationales (2ème partie du Rapport général à la Conférence des associations internationales, Genève, 1924). Bruxelles, Union des Associations Internationales, 1924, 37 pages, UAI Publ Nr 114.

3. Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development. Macrothesaurus; a basic list of economic and social development terms. Paris, OECD, 1972.

4. Fédération internationale de documentation. Broad System Ordering; schedule and index. The Hague/Paris, FID/UNESCO, 1978, 3rd edition.

5. Inter-Organization Board for Information Systems. Broad Terms for United Nations Programmes and Activities. Geneva, United Nations, 1979.

6. Ingetraut Dahlberg. ICC - Information coding classification; principles, structure and application possibillities. International Classification, 9, 1982, 2, pp. 87-93 (Reprinted with 3-digit schedule in: INDEKS GmbH. Classification Systems and Thesauri, 1950-1982. Frankfurt, INDEKS Verlag, 1982).

7. Anthony Judge. Anti-developmental biases in thesaurus design. In: Fred W. Riggs (Ed). The CONTA Conference; Proceedings of the Conference on Conceptual and Terminological Analysis in the Social Sciences (Bielefeld, 1981). Frankfurt, Indeks Verlag, 1982, pp. 185-201.

8. Ingetraut Dahlberg. Ontical Structures and Universal Classification. Bangalore, Sarada Ranganathan Endowment for Library Science, 1978.

9. Stored in machine readable form (for up to 6 digits), but as of November 1983 not yet available in printed form.

10. Jean Aitchison (Comp.). Unesco Thesaurus; a structured list of descriptors for indexing and retrieving literature in the fields of education, science, social science, culture and communication. Paris, UNESCO, 1977, 2 vols.

11. David Bohm. Wholeness and the Implicate Order. Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1980.

12. Fritjof Capra. Turning Point. Simon and Schusier, 1982.

13. Magoroh Maruyama. Mindscapes, social patterns and future development of scientific theory types. Cybernetica, 23, 1980, 1, pp. 5-25 (see also earlier papers in the same journal).

14. E. I. Samurin. Geschichte der bibliothekarisch-bibliographischen Klassifikation, Verlag Dokumentation (now K G Saur Verlag), 1977.

15. Edward F. Haskell. Generalization of the structure of Mendeleev's periodic table. In: E Haskell (Ed.), Full Circle; the moral force of unified science. Gordon and Breach, 1972, pp. 21-87.

16. J. W. van Spronsen. The Periodic System of Chemical Elements; a history of the first hundred years. Amsterdam, Elsevier, 1969.

17. Union of International Associations and Mankind 2000. Yearbook of World Problems and Human Potential. Brussels, UAI/Mankind 2000, 1976. (see also ref 70)

18. Christopher Alexander. Notes on the Synthesis of Form. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1964.

19. Erich Jantsch. Design for Evolution; self-organization and planning in the life of human systems. Braziller, 1975.

20. Erich Jantsch and Conrad H Waddington (Eds). Evolution and Consciousness; human systems in transition. Addison-Wesley, 1976.

21. Erich Jantsch. The Self-Organizing Universe; scientific and human implications of the emerging paradigm of evolution. Oxford, Pergamon, 1980.

22. Ralph Abraham. Vibrations and the Realisation of Form. In: Erich Jantsch and Conrad H Waddington (Eds). Evolution and Consciousness; human systems in transition. Addison-Wesley, 1976, pp. 134-149

23. Ilya Prigogine. Order through fluctuation; self-organization and social systems. In ref. 20 (See also: From Being to Becoming; time and complexity in the physical sciences. Freeman, 1980).

24. Anthony Judge. Alternation between development modes; reinforcing dynamic conception through functional classification of international organizations. Transnational Associations, 34, 1982, 5, pp. 339-349 (Paper originally prepared for a meeting of Integrative Group B of the Goals, Processes and Indicators of Development project of the United Nations University, Athens, 1982).

25. Anthony Judge. Development through Alternation. Brussels, Union of International Associations, 1983, 173 p (Augmented version of a paper originally prepared for Integrative Group B of the Goals, Processes and Indicators of Development project of the United Nations University,Colombo, 1982).

26. Anthony Judge. Networking Alternation. Transnational Associations, 35, 1983, 4, pp. 172-181.

27. Anthony Judge. Patterns of N-foldness; comparison of integrated multi-set concept schemes as forms of presentation. (Paper for meetings on Forms of Presentation of the Goals, Processes and Indicators of Development project of the United Nations University, Geneva, 1980). In ref 68.

28. Anthony Judge. Beyond Method; engaging opposition in psycho-social organization (Paper for Methodology Meeting of the Goals, Processes and Indicators of Development project of the United Nations University, Bucharest, 1981). In ref 68.

29. P. Perron (Ed). The Neurological Basis of Signs in Communication Processes (Proceedings of a symposium). Toronto, Victoria University (Toronto Semiotic Circle, Monographs, 1981, 2-3).

30. Katrin Lederer (Ed). Human Needs; a contribution to the current debate. Koningstein, Verlag Anton Hain, 1980. (Proceedings of a sub-group of the Goals, Processes and Indicators of Development project of the United Nations University).

31. Anthony Judge. The Territory Construed as the Map; in search of radical design innovations in the representation of human activities and their relationships. Transnational Associations, 35, 1983, 2, pp. 80-89.

32. Anthony Judge. Representation, comprehension and communication of sets; the role of number. International Classification, 5, 1978, 3, pp. 126-133; 6, 1979, 1 pp. 16-25; 6, 1979, 2 pp. 92-103 (Also University HSDRGPID-22/UNUP-133, 1980).

33. Herb Addo. World-system critique of Euro-centric concepts of development. Trinidad and Tobago, University of the West Indies, 1981, unpublished manuscript (Prologue un UN Univerity doc HSDR/GPID69/1982).

34. K. Soedjatmoko. Declaration of the Rector of the United Nations University. The Chronicle of Higher Education, 26, 25 May 1983.

35. Richard Wilhelm (Tr.). I Ching or Book of Changes. Princeton University Press, 1950

36. Union of International Associations. International Congress Calendar. Mnchen, K G Saur Verlag, quarterly.

37. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 15th ed.

38. International Labour Office. International Standard Classification of Occupations. Geneva, ILO, 1969.

39. Donald N. Michael. On the requirement for embracing error. In: On Learning to Plan and Planning to Learn. Jossey-Bass, 1973, p. 31.

40. Mary D. Waller. Chladni Figures; a study in symmetry. G. Bell, 1961.

41. Rene Thom. Modèles mathémitiques de la morphogénèse. Christian Bourgois, 1980.

42. W. T. Jones. The Romantic Syndrome; toward a new methodology in cultural anthropology and the historic of ideas. Martinus Nijhof, 1961.

43. Edwin A Abott. Flatland, a romantic of many dimensions. Blackwell, 1962.

44. Anthony Judge. The future of comprehension; conceptual birdcages and functional basketweaving. Transnational Associations, 34, 1982, 6, pp. 400-404.

45. P. A. Heelan. The Logic of Changing Classificatory Frameworks. In: J A Wojciechowski (Ed). Conceptual Basis of the Classification of Knowledge. Mchen, K G Saur, 1974, pp 260-274.

46. C. A. Hooker. The impact of quantum theory on the conceptual bases for the classification of knowledge. In: J A Wojciechowski (Ed), ref. 39.

47. Kinhide Mushakoji. Scientific revolution and inter-paradigmatic dialogues. Tokyo, United Nations University, 1979 (HSDR/GPID-14/UNUP-75).

48. Antonio T. de Nicolas. Meditations through the Rg Veda; four dimensional man. Shambhala, 1978.

49. Paul Otlet and Le Corbusier. Mundanuem, Bruxelles, Union des Associations Internationales, 1928.

50. Dario Matteoni (The history of the concept of a world centre and a world city). In preparation, 1982.

51. D. T. Suzuki. Manual of Zen Buddhism. Grove Press, 1980.

52. McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology. McGraw-Hill, 1977, vol. 5.

53. R. G. H. Siu. Ch'i: a neo-taoist approach to life. MIT Press, 1974.

54. Christopher Alexander. The Timeless Way of Building. Oxford University Press, 1979.

55. Christopher Alexander. A Pattern Language. Oxford University Press, 1977.

56. Ron Atkin. Combinational Connectivities in Social Sciences; an application of simplicial complex structures to the study of large organizations. Basel, Birkhuser, 1977.

57. Ron Atkin. Muldimensional Man; can man live in 3-dimensional space? London, Penguin, 1981.

58. Paul K. Feyerabend. Realism, Rationalism and Scientific Method. Cambridge University Press, 1981 (Philosophical Papers, vol. 1).

59. Richard Wilhelm (Tr). The Secret of the Golden Flower; a Chinese book of life. New York, Harcourt Brace, 1962 (with commentary by C G Jung).

60. June Singer. Andrology; toward a new theory of sexuality. Doubleday, 1976.

61. G. Zukav. The Dancing Wu-Li Masters. William Morrow, 1979.

62. E. G. McClain. The Myth of Invariance: the origins of the gods, mathematics and music from the Rg Veda to Plato. Shambhala, 1978.

63. Johan Galtung. Methodology and Ideology. Copenhagen, Christian Ejlers, 1977

64. Johan Galtung. The True Worlds; a transnational perspective. Free Press, 1980.

65. Christian Delacampagne et al. Penser/Classer. Le Genre Humain. Paris, Fayard, No 2, 1982 (special issue).

66. Anthony Judge. Societal learning and the erosion of collective memory. (Introductory report for 2nd World Symposium on International Documentation, Brussels, 1980). In: Th Dimitrov (Ed). International Documentation for the 80s. Uniflo, 1982.

67. James Botkin, et al. No Limits to Learning; bridging the human gap. Oxford, Pergamon, 1979 ("A Report to the Club of Rome").

68. Anthony Judge. Patterns of Conceptual Integration. Brussels, Union of International Associations, 1984.

69. Anthony Judge. Networking Alternation; an alternation network of 384 pathways of organizational transformation interpreted for networks in the light of the Chinese Book of Changes. Brussels, Union of International Associations, 1984.

70. Union of International Associations. Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential. K G Saur Verlag, 1986, 2nd edition.