In search of “the new normal” |
By Joel Fischer, Statistics Coordinator and co-editor of the Yearbook of International Organizations at the UIA.
#Brusselscares4Associations |
Virtual Community. Hosting over 2300 international associations on its territory, the Brussels Capital Region has taken immediate actions towards international associations. A consultation working group has been set up, cooperation has been established at different levels and with various association representatives locally and internationally, and the visit.brussels Association Bureau has been monitoring the situation and providing specific guidance resources. Those resources have been gathered HERE in order to spread the information, events and initiatives of interest to any international association with the aim to help them continue their activities as efficiently as possible.
Short-term access to the Yearbook of International Organizations Online |
New! UIA offers 30 and 90 Day access options to its associations database Yearbook of International Organizations Online. The database includes detailed descriptions of more than 72,500 international organizations worldwide, over 40,500 of which are active. Coverage includes intergovernmental (IGOs) and international non-governmental organizations (INGOs). Organization profiles are cross-referenced to show detailed relationships between organizations. Multiple search criteria as, for example, by headquarter city or country, by subject, by event destinations are offered.
For more information see: https://uia.org/yearbook/shortterm
Your event abroad is cancelled, postponed, or goes virtual? What do you need to know from a VAT perspective? |
Special offer. Members of UIA and international organizations listed in the UIA's associations database Yearbook of International Organizations can schedule an open and candid talk with VAT experts to discuss their situation facing the COVID-19 crisis.
For more information see: https://uia.org/news/vatdeskoffer
UIA 2020 Survey on the meetings of international associations |
Meetings behavior. The Union of International Associations (UIA) has invited 25,000 international associations to participate in its 8th edition of the Survey on International Meetings Issues to uncover how they organize their meetings and conferences. The Report will be released on 12 November 2020 at the annual UIA Associate Members Meeting in Prague and be freely available to the public on the UIA’s website. The UIA conducts the survey every two years, and it is the largest survey looking into the meetings behavior of all the diverse types of international associations representing civic, charitable, commercial, or industrial interests around the world. By conducting the survey on a regular basis, those involved in the process of organizing international meetings can get a sense of changes over the years as well as the challenges of the current environment. For the 2020 Survey, the UIA is supported by its sponsors Busan Tourism Organization and Seoul Tourism Organization.
For more information, please contact Clara Fernández López: clara@uia.org
Why Milan? |
By Francesco Conci, CEO, Fiera Milano Congressi
Number of the month |
Between April 2019 and March 2020 UIA added 1,466 international organizations to its Yearbook of International Organizations.
It now lists 72,863 organizations, of which 40,642 are currently active.