Individuation → Psychoanalysis
Psychoanalysis is a therapeutic method and field of research developed by Sigmund Freud. Founded in the early 1890s, initially in co-operation with Josef Breuer and others' clinical research, he continued to refine and develop theory and practice of psychoanalysis until his death in 1939. It conceptualizes the human psyche as consisting of three primary instances: the id, the ego, and the superego, which interact to satisfy the instinctive needs. Creation and transmission of civilisation serves this biological processes of self-preservation and reproduction.
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Organizations relating to Psychoanalysis
Federación Psicoanalitica de América Latina / Montevideo, Uruguay / Est. 1960
European Depression Association / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 2004
Associazione Internazionale di Psicanalisi Eclettica
Nordic Psychoanalytical Association / Oslo, Norway
Federación Americana de Psicoanalisis de la Orientación Lacaniana / Est. 2012
International Erich Fromm Society / Tübingen, Germany / Est. 1985
Fondation européenne pour la psychanalyse / Paris, France
Association internationale d'ethnopsychanalyse / Bobigny, France / Est. 1996
European Conference of Psychoanalysts / Ramat Ayim, Israel
Institut international de psychoanalyse, Bruxelles / Brussels, Belgium
International Foundation for Psychosynthesis
Central European Psychoanalytical Association
Psychosynthesis International / Oceanside CA, USA / Est. 1984
International Center for Self-Analysis
Scandinavian Association of Psychoanalysts
Latin American Psycho-Analytical Federation
Postpartum Depression: Action Towards Causes and Treatment Consortium
World Fantasy Convention / Est. 1975
Nordic Psychoanalytic Congress / Est. 1968
International Society for the Psychoanalytic Study of Organizations / Melbourne VIC, Australia / Est. 1985
International Institute of Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy Charles Baudouin / Est. 1924
International Society of Analytical Trilogy / Sao Paulo, Brazil / Est. 1970
World Association of Psychoanalysis / Est. 1992
International Psychoanalytical Association / London, UK / Est. 1910
International Association Interactions of Psychoanalysis / Paris, France / Est. 1985
Mythopoeic Society / Altadena CA, USA / Est. 1967
International Movement for a Libido Ecology / Paris, France / Est. 2003
International Federation of Psychoanalytic Societies / Santiago, Chile / Est. 1962
International Society of Psychoanalysis and Philosophy / Sao Paulo, Brazil / Est. 2008
Congrès des psychanalystes de langue française / Paris, France / Est. 1926
International Szondi Association / Binkom, Belgium / Est. 1959
International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis / Barcelona, Spain / Est. 1956
European Alliance Against Depression e.V / Leipzig, Germany / Est. 2008
Méliès International Festivals Federation / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1987
European Psychoanalytical Federation / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1966
East European Psychoanalytic Institute / Trieste, Italy
Internationale des Forums - Ecole de Psychanalyse des Forum du Champ Lacanien / Paris, France / Est. 1998
Association lacanienne internationale / Paris, France / Est. 1982
Convergencia - Movimiento Lacaniano por el Psicoanálisis Freudiano / Est. 1998
EuroFédération de psychanalyse / Est. 1990
Inter-associatif Européen de Psychanalyse / Paris, France / Est. 1994
International Basal Ganglia Society / Atlanta GA, USA / Est. 1983
European Federation for Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy / Est. 1991
View all profiles (79 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations
World Problems relating to Psychoanalysis
From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human PotentialDecline
Mental depression
Lack of male libido
Depressed industries
Seasonal affective disorder
Children's misapprehension of reality in the media
Mental depression in children
Loss of female libido
Adverse environmental consequences of depressed agricultural prices
Manic-depressive psychosis
Use of medical drugs for non medical purposes
Postnatal depression
Anaclitic depression
Action Strategies relating to Psychoanalysis
From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human PotentialDepressing
Practicing psychosynthesis
Role-playing games
Distrusting psychoanalysts
Treating depression
Asserting ego
Treating hallucination
Ensuring competent psychoanalysis
Stimulating collectively organized fantastic happenings
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