Health Care → Veterinary
Organizations relating to Veterinary
European College of Veterinary Pathologists / Est. 1995
European Society of Veterinary Pathology / Neston, UK / Est. 1951
Federação Internacional dos Veterinarios Lusófonos / Brasilia, Brazil
European College of Veterinary and Comparative Nutrition / Est. 1998
Asociación Iberoamericana de Academias de Ciencias Veterinarias / Est. 2006
European Society of Veterinary Neurology / Valencia, Spain / Est. 1988
Caribbean Veterinary Medical Association / Port-of-Spain, Trinidad-Tobago / Est. 2012
European Association of Establishments for Veterinary Education / Vienna, Austria
European Association of Veterinary Anatomists / Brno, Czechia / Est. 1963
European Veterinary Dental College / Sem, Norway / Est. 1998
Nordic Society for Veterinary Pathology / Frederiksberg, Denmark / Est. 1977
Comisión Sudamericana para la Lucha contra la Fiebre Aftosa / Duque de Caxias, Brazil / Est. 1973
Pan American Council on Education in Veterinary Science / Est. 1999
International Cooperation on Harmonization of Technical Requirements for the Registration of Veterinary Medicinal Products / Brussels, Belgium / Est. 1996
North American Foot-and-Mouth Disease Vaccine Bank / Greenport NY, USA / Est. 1982
Nordic Forestry, Veterinary and Agricultural University Network / Uppsala, Sweden / Est. 1995
Baltic Forestry, Veterinary and Agricultural University Network / Jelgava, Latvia / Est. 1996
Health for Animals / Brussels, Belgium
European Advisory Board on Cat Diseases / Est. 2005
Christian Veterinary Mission / Seattle WA, USA / Est. 1978
Balkan and Black Sea Veterinary Association / Athens, Greece
CABI Bureau of Animal Health / Est. 1929
Comité Regional de Salud Animal / Rio de Janeiro, Brazil / Est. 1991
General Federation of Arab Veterinarians
Permanent Committee for International Veterinary Congresses / Est. 1905
European Association for Veterinary Specialization / Bern, Switzerland / Est. 1990
International Veterinary Auxiliary / Est. 1949
World Association of Veterinary Educators / Est. 1987
Latin American Federation of Animal Health / Bogota, Colombia / Est. 1988
Association des vétérinaires francophones / Maisons-Alfort, France / Est. 1992
Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine / Est. 1982
Animal Medical Care Foundation / Dongen, Netherlands
International Conference on Goat Production and Disease / Logan UT, USA
International Conference on Animal Health Surveillance / Est. 2011
Agreement Concerning Cooperation in the Field of Veterinary Science / Est. 1959
VETAID / Est. 1989
Association des établissements d'enseignement vétérinaire totalement ou partiellement de langue française / Saint-Hyacinthe QC, Canada / Est. 1982
BSEC Veterinary Centre
Union européenne des vétérinaires enseignants
Association des vétérinaires latinoaméricains
Society for International Veterinary Symposia
Veterinarios para el Tercer Mundo / Barcelona, Spain
Union of Arabian Veterinarians
Det Nordiske Dyrleggerråd
International Bourgelat Committee / Est. 2012
Nordic Equine Veterinary Conference
Asian College of Veterinary Internal Medicine
Southern European Veterinary Conference / Est. 2007
Latin American Veterinary Conference
Action for Animal Health / London, UK
View all profiles (285 total) in the Yearbook of International Organizations
World Problems relating to Veterinary
From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human PotentialExcessive use of hormones in animal husbandry
Action Strategies relating to Veterinary
From the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human PotentialUsing traditional veterinary practices
Advancing veterinary anatomical science
Enabling farm animal health
Providing animal health care
Applying veterinary medicine
Reporting negligence by veterinarians
Abolishing unethical veterinary practices
Regulating veterinary practices
Conducting illegal veterinary practice
Ensuring competent animal doctors
Representing veterinarians
Encouraging interested veterinary students
Training veterinary doctors
Advancing veterinary science
Producing animal health policies
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