HeadQuarters Magazine

March, 2015  ❘  EMEA n°64  ❘ 
In This Issue
  • UIA Associations Round Tables - What They Can Offer
  • Casting a Meeting Light Over India
December, 2014  ❘  HAP n°20  ❘ 
In This Issue
  • UIA: Associations in Africa - Potentials and Challenges
  • Interview: Professor Bryan Storey - New Zealand, A World Leader in Science
December, 2014  ❘  EMEA n°63  ❘ 
In This Issue
  • UIA: Associations in Africa - Potentials and Challenges
  • The Meetings Wonders of Portugal
November, 2014  ❘  EMEA n°62  ❘ 
In This Issue
  • UIA: New Sources of Revenue for Associations
  • EIBTM 2014 Special
October, 2014  ❘  HAP n°19  ❘ 
In This Issue
  • UIA: "New" Association Markets - Issues and Ideas
  • Bob O'Keeffe, BCEC, Brisbane and the G20



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UIA and HeadQuarters Magazine

The UIA partners with HeadQuarters by contributing articles for the Europe, Middle-East, Africa (EMEA), and the HeadQuarters Asia-Pacific (HAP) editions.

HeadQuarters Magazine serves the needs of association executives dealing with the organization of congresses all over the world. Headquartered in Brussels, where many regional, European, international and worldwide associations are also headquartered, it is a niche magazine written in English.