UIA Document Archive

Title Author Yearsort descending Tags
Evidence of non-proft, cross-sectoral support in practice for UIA registry activity Diversitas
Evidence of support in practice for UIA registry activity from the international non-profit community Diversitas
Definitional game-playing: civil society, non-commercial, non-profit, non- governmental, third sector, etc Diversitas
Raising the quality of insight: visualization and sonification Diversitas
Imaging a space for a diversity of identities Diversitas
Tensegrity structure Diversitas
Multi-media tools for imagining community and its challenges Diversitas
Distinguishing the style and image of an enhanced .ORG Diversitas
The Parable of the Fig Leaf Diversitas
Introduction Ecolynx
Final Report of Definition Phase Ecolynx
Summary Ecolynx
Scope and objectives Ecolynx
Consortium partners Ecolynx
Accomplishments during definition phase Ecolynx
Compilation and integration of WCMC on-line datasets Ecolynx
Conservation actions, strategies and organizations Ecolynx
Conservation issues (problems) Ecolynx
Feedback loops Ecolynx
Images and sounds Ecolynx
Geographic information and clickable maps Ecolynx
Visualization (VRML 3-D displays) Ecolynx
Extending search query hyperlinks Ecolynx
CD-ROM applications Ecolynx
Hyperlinking text content Ecolynx
User profile and marketing strategy Ecolynx
Development of prototype product and its presentation Ecolynx
Deliverables Ecolynx
Strategic opportunity framework Ecolynx
Practical challenges and responses Ecolynx
Language and translation issues Ecolynx
Data sources and ownership Ecolynx
Data security and copyright Ecolynx
Data quality, review and update Ecolynx
Interactivity with CD-ROM and Web users Ecolynx
Profile of user groups Ecolynx
Marketing Ecolynx
Income generation/Not-for-profit Ecolynx
Costs to users of obtaining information Ecolynx
Conclusions and recommendations Ecolynx
Multimedia and the World Wide Web - A European Perspective Ecolynx
Ecolynx Project Presentation Video Ecolynx
Ecolynx Project: progress reports Ecolynx
INFO2000 Project "Conservation" Presentation Ecolynx
INTERCEPT: Proposal for infoDev activity Intercept
Introduction Intercept
Participating Organizations Intercept
infoDev programme objectives & Category of activity Intercept
Total activity cost Intercept
Funding requested from infoDev Intercept
