List of All UIA Publications

This is a complete list of all UIA publications since its foundation in 1907. Some of these publications are available for sale. More information is available by clicking on the 'Read more' link. A number of the publications are held in UIA's archive, as indicated. For more information about consulting our archives, please see UIA Archives.

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UIA Pub Nr Titlesort ascending Year Editor/Author Publisher ISBN/ISSN Additional Information
413 Yearbook of International Organizations 2009-2010 - Vol 4: Bibliographic Volume: International Organization Bibliography and Resources 2009 Union of International Associations (Ed) KG Saur Verlag 978-3-598-24651-7 14th edition. Volume 4 of 6 volumes. Also available Online, 10th edition
412 Yearbook of International Organizations 2009-2010 - Vol 3: Subject Volume: Global Action Networks: classified directory and index 2009 Union of International Associations (Ed) KG Saur Verlag 978-3-598-24650-0 27th edition. Volume 3 of 6 volumes. Also available Online, 10th edition
411 Yearbook of International Organizations 2009-2010 - Vol 2: Geographic Volume: International Organization Participation: country directory of secretariats and membership 2009 Union of International Associations (Ed) KG Saur Verlag 978-3-598-24649-4 27th edition. Volume 2 of 6 volumes. Also available Online, 10th edition
410 Yearbook of International Organizations 2009-2010 - Vol 1: Organization descriptions and cross-references 2009 Union of International Associations (Ed) KG Saur Verlag 978-3-598-24648-7 46th edition. Volume 1 of 6 volumes. Also available Online, 10th edition
409 Yearbook of International Organizations 2008-2009 - Vol 6: Who's Who in International Organizations 2008 Union of International Associations (Ed) KG Saur Verlag 978-3-598-24646-3 2nd edition. Volume 6 of 6 volumes. Also available online, 9th edition
408 Yearbook of International Organizations 2008-2009 - Vol 5: Statistics, visualizations and patterns 2008 Union of International Associations (Ed) KG Saur Verlag 978-3-598-24645-6 8th edition. Volume 5 of 6 volumes. Also available online, 9th edition
407 Yearbook of International Organizations 2008-2009 - Vol 4: Bibliographic Volume: International Organization Bibliography and Resources 2008 Union of International Associations (Ed) KG Saur Verlag 978-3-598-24644-9 13th edition. Volume 4 of 6 volumes. Also available: on CD-ROM, 14th edition; and Online, 9th edition
406 Yearbook of International Organizations 2008-2009 - Vol 3: Subject Volume: Global Action Networks: classified directory and index 2008 Union of International Associations (Ed) KG Saur Verlag 978-3-598-24643-2 26th edition. Volume 3 of 6 volumes. Also available: on CD-ROM, 14th edition; and Online, 9th edition
405 Yearbook of International Organizations 2008-2009 - Vol 2: Geographic Volume: International Organization Participation: country directory of secretariats and membership 2008 Union of International Associations (Ed) KG Saur Verlag 978-3-598-24642-5 26th edition. Volume 2 of 6 volumes. Also available: on CD-ROM, 14th edition; and Online, 9th edition
404 Yearbook of International Organizations 2008-2009 - Vol 1: Organization descriptions and cross-references 2008 Union of International Associations (Ed) KG Saur Verlag 978-3-598-24641-8 45th edition. Volume 1 of 6 volumes. Also available: on CD-ROM, 14th edition; and Online, 9th edition
224 Yearbook of International Organizations 1972-73 1972 Union of International Associations (Ed) Union of International Associations 24th edition
189 Yearbook of International Organizations 1964-65 1964 Union of International Associations (Ed) Union of International Associations 10th edition
179 Yearbook of International Organizations 1962-63 1962 Union of International Associations (Ed) Union of International Associations 9th edition
160 Yearbook of international organizations 1958-59 1958 Union of International Associations (Ed) Union of International Associations 7th edition
149 Yearbook of International Organizations 1954-55 1954 Union of International Associations (Ed) Union of International Associations 5th edition
147 Yearbook of International Organizations 1951-52 1951 Union of International Associations (Ed) Union of International Associations 4th edition
169 Yearbook of International Organizations / Annuaire des organisations internationales 1960-1961 1961 Union of International Associations (Ed) Union of International Associations 8th edition
153 Yearbook of International Organizations / Annuaire des organisations internationales 1956-1957 1957 Union of International Associations (Ed) Union of International Associations 6th edition
146 Yearbook of International Organizations / Annuaire des organisations internationales 1950 1950 Union of International Associations (Ed) Union of International Associations 3rd edition
145b Yearbook of International Organizations / Annuaire des organisations internationales 1949 1949 Union of International Associations (Ed) Union of International Associations 2nd edition
