Messe Wien
5 November 2013
Upcoming International Congresses
Europe7th MED-MID Conference of the European Court of Arbitration, 15/11/13, Rome +++ 5th Congress of the Central Commission for the Navigation of the Rhine, 03-04/12/13, Strasbourg +++ 4th World Congress of Total Intravenous Anaesthesia and Target Controlled Infusion of the World Society of Intravenous Anaesthesia, 24-26/05/14, Sofia
Asia11th Quinquennial Congress of the International Society of Dermatology, 04-07/12/13, New Delhi +++ 12th Conference of the Asian Crystallographic Association, 07-10/12/13, Hong Kong +++ 40th International Congress of the International Committee of Military Medicine, 07-12/12/13, Jeddah
America27th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma, 14-18/01/14, Naples FL +++ 58th Annual Conference of the Comparative and International Education Society, 10-15/03/14, Toronto +++ 31st Annual Congress of the Federacion de Entitades Organizadoras de Congresos y Afines de América Latina (COCAL), 11-13/03/14, Antigua
Africa1st African Congress on Conservation Agriculture of the African Conservation Tillage Network, 18-21/03/14, Lusaka +++ 17th International Conference on HIV/AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Infection in Africa, 07-11/12/13, Cape Town +++ 20th Congress of the Association for the Taxonomic Study of the Flora of Tropical Africa, 13-17/01/14, Stellenbosch
Pacific22nd Biennial Congress of the International Diabetes Federation, 02-06/12/13, Melbourne +++ Conference of the Australasian Pharmaceutical Science Association, 08-11/12/13, Dunedin +++ 9th Pacific Islands Conference on Nature Conservation and Protected Areas of the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Progamme, 02-06/12/13, Suva
1st UIA Associations Round Table in Asia
by Nancy Carfrae and Clara Fernández López, UIA

Singapore. For over 100 years the UIA has been working to promote and facilitate the work of international associations. Since 2007 the UIA Associations Round Tables held in Europe have given associations an opportunity to learn through networking and through practice.

This year, for the first time, the UIA Associations Round Table has come to Asia from 23 to 24 October 2013. Representatives from international associations – professional societies, service organizations, interest groups, charities, and all other types, and active in all fields of human endeavour – have met at the inaugural UIA Round Table - Asia, held at the Suntec Convention & Exhibition Centre in Singapore...
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New jobs

Vacancy. The International Diabetes Federation based in Brussels, Belgium, is looking for a health economist. UIA offers World of Associations News readers one free job listing, please use the coupon code WAN2013 at checkout.

Losing donors. Associations now reports about a research from the Urban Institute and the Association of Fundraising Professionals suggesting that small and midsize organizations are losing donors at an alarming clip. Read more: 2013 Fundraising Effectiveness Survey Report
Singapore Tourist Board
Megatrends 2030

Diversity. The German Convention Bureau has released findings from “Meetings and Conventions 2030: A study of megatrends shaping our industry.” Among the five trends: Technology in work and life, demographic change, feminization and diversity.

Big data. Social media - we leave our data everywhere, but what about data privacy at events?

Pecha Kucha. At the Frismakers Festival speakers present their topics in 300 seconds - it works.
After the meeting in Dublin
Adrienne Clarke, Head of Conference Sales of The Convention Centre Dublin

My favourite places:
Top three restaurants

Fire Restaurant: The best of local Irish produce, great atmosphere and reasonable prices in the heart of the city centre.
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“Reduced budgets demand ‘more for less’”

Prof. Alex Milton, Conference chair of Cumulus Dublin 2013

Why did you choose "More for Less - Design in an Age of Austerity" as conference theme for your upcoming Cumulus Conference?
We propose that in the deepest recession since the great depression of the 1930s we need to turn the modernist mantra ‘less is more’ on its head as the reduced budgets of governments, business and people demand ‘more for less’, and develop a ‘New Deal’ for design. This international conference is intended to act as platform for sharing ideas and concepts about contemporary design research in this age of austerity. Contributors were invited to submit research that addresses contemporary approaches to design research, with the conference committee and review panel welcoming research...
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Malaysia - MyCeb
Important dates
UIA Europe12/11/2013 BrusselsMore
EIBTM19-21/11/2013 BarcelonaMore

Number of the month

Growth. According to the UIA Yearbook the number of international association events with a medical theme held in Europe has grown by 130% in the last 20 years: in 1992 there were 576 medical meetings in Europe, in 2012 there were 1,325.
New associations
World Indigenous Network (WIN)
w w w. worldindigenousnetwork. net
Research Center for Nuclear Weapons Abolition, Nagasaki University
w w w. recna. nagasaki-u. ac. jp/en-top
European Consortium for Emergency Contraception (ECEC)
w w w. ec-ec. org
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