Visualization - Alternative Representations of Information

Live Statistical Widgets


Live statistical widgets beta have been introduced by the UIA in July 2009 as a new service in the field of visualization of complex information related to the global civil society networks.

From Wikipedia about web widget:

"A widget is anything that can be embedded within a page of HTML, i.e. a web page. A widget adds some content to that page that is not static. Generally widgets are originated by third parties, though they can be home made. Embeddable chunks of code have existed since the early development of the World Wide Web. Web developers have long sought and used third party code chunks in their pages. Early web widgets provided functions such as link counters and advertising banners."

There are several things that are special about UIA's Live statistical widgets beta:

  • Embeddable -- rather than just a nice toy on the UIA website, anybody is free, and invited, to place a widget on their web page. To do that, just copy the whole HTML code from the box underneath the widget, and then paste it in your web page or blog!
  • Live -- these widgets change dynamically as our specialized editors work on the data; each time new information is uploaded, it is reflected in the relevant widgets on this page, but also on all pages around the Internet where the widgets have been included.
  • Useful -- rather than a dull advertisement, or a link counter, Live statistical widgets beta carry meaning gleaned from the accumulating knowledge gathered by the UIA for over 100 years (Yearbook of International Organizations and other UIA databases).
  • Impartial -- the UIA prides itself to always have been independent from political and economical biases of any kind. So are the widgets!
  • Free -- while each widget requires quite some effort to be created, once it is created (e.g. thanks to a targeted sponsorship or following a donation) it becomes freely available to everybody.
  • On demand -- We will be very pleased to receive ideas for more widgets from you. We can -- in theory -- create any visualization: geographical, graphs, tables, etc. Imagination is the limit!

Most Popular Meeting Countries

This widget shows the most popular countries hosting international meetings. The information is based on UIA's database of international meetings.

Most Popular Meeting Cities

This widget shows the most popular cities hosting international meetings. The information is based on UIA's database of international meetings.

Distribution of INGO Headquarters

This was the first live UIA "widget", or "web gadget". It shows a map of world with countries coloured with various intensity in relation to the number of international non-governmental organizations that have their main office there.